Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up


A Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up is a Cooperative Learning strategy where students stand up, raise one hand, go find another student with their hand up and then hold a conversation with that person.

Cooperative learning strategies, like Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up, help teachers accomplish many goals in the classroom. It increases engagement and provides opportunities for formative assessment and differentiated instruction. Cooperative learning strategies also allow for the collaborative construction of knowledge, provide an opportunity for students to develop and practice communication skills, and prepare students for working on teams when they leave school to join the workforce.

When to use Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up:

    1. At any point in the lesson to structure meaningful conversation.

    2. Before introducing new material to tap into prior knowledge

    3. After a unit to review terms

    4. At the beginning of the school year as a way to review students' knowledge of class rules and procedures

    5. After a math unit to review shapes or problems

    6. Before students begin an assignment, such as an essay, a set of word problems or a science activity/experiment, to gather ideas or formalize procedures

    7. To remediate specific skills or learning

    8. To practice newly learned skills or content

Quick Tips

  • Consider using sentence stems to ensure students are practicing speaking skills during the Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up

Did you know?

  • Cooperative Learning strategies are a great way to increase oral language through speaking and listening for all students, but especially for emergent bilingual students?

  • Other Cooperative Learning strategies include Jigsaw, Round Robin, Round Table, and Fold the Line.

  • Cooperative Learning strategies fall under the C (collaboration) in WICOR strategies.