Example & Non Example


What Is It? 

This strategy has students explore what they know about a topic or concept by generating or sorting examples of what it is and what it is not.

Why Use It?

This strategy allows students to explore and discuss various examples and non-examples of a concept, term, law, or theorem in order to help personalize their learning and make abstract concepts more concrete. 

Instructional Steps: 

1. Identify a concept or term for assessment.

2. Ask students to provide or sort examples of what the concept or term is and examples of what the concept or term is not (non-examples).

3. Allow students time and space to clearly describe the rule or definition they used to create or sort the examples and non-examples.

Quick Tips

Consider using this as a formative assessment or engaging activity when learning a new concept or term. This strategy works best in small groups and pairs and with manipulatives like sorting cards. 


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