ILA Calendar for Families

In this Newsletter

Teacher of the Year Nominations 


We are looking for nominations for Ilalko Teacher of the Year and want feedback from our families. The deadline is Jan. 19th and a winner will be submitted to the district and announced to the school by Jan. 26th. 

We have amazing teachers at Ilalko, you can use this form to nomination a teacher you feel deserves this recognition.

Fall Review - Ilalko School Improvement Plan Update 

This year marks the start of a new School Improvement Plan. We have three goals driving our work at Ilalko - Reduce the percent of students “at risk” in math, reduce the percent of student “at risk” for reading, and reduce the percent of students “at risk” for attendance. Our next set of benchmark assessments happens in January. We will be sharing an update on our progress in February and again in June. 

CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE Measure that Matter 

Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And Friends

Second Grade 

First Grade 

Third Grade

What is your dream? 

Add your "dream" to our MLK display across from the main office! 

Auburn School District Replacement Levy on February 13 Ballot 

February 13 is election day. The ASD has a ballot measure to renew the Educational Programs and Operations levy that expires in 2024.  The levy makes up 14 percent of the district budget and replaces the expiring levy. The levy pays for all athletics, activities, positions underfunded by the state, special education, transportation and more. The tax rate does not increase with this levy.


The district is hosting two information nights for the community to learn about the levy. You are invited to attend 6:30 p.m., January 10 at Terminal Park Elementary or 6:30 p.m. January 17 at Lea Hill Elementary. Interpreters will be available.


Detailed information about the replacement levy is available on the ASD website at

Highly Capable Program Nomination

The Auburn School District is now accepting referrals for the 2023-2024 Highly Capable Program, a program that serves exceptionally intelligent, intellectually gifted students whose needs may not be easily met in the general education setting. Once a student is identified as highly capable, he/she is entitled to Highly Capable program services from the date of eligibility through graduation; annual testing is not required. 

Nominations close February 16, 2023. Screening considers nominees who are currently enrolled in grades Kindergarten through eleven. Selection for highly capable programs reflects state guidelines for identifying intellectually gifted students. If you feel your child should participate in further testing, but doesn’t meet screening criteria, you may nominate your child. Nomination forms are school counseling offices and are available online by selection the For Families menu, Highly Capable, and then Highly Capable Forms. 

Direct questions to your child’s school counselor or to: Adam Ladage Director of Student Learning 8-12 (253) 931-4950 

El Distrito Escolar de Auburn ahora está aceptando referencias para el Programa de Altas Capacidades 2023-2024, un programa que atiende a estudiantes excepcionalmente inteligentes e intelectualmente dotados cuyas necesidades pueden no satisfacerse fácilmente en el entorno de educación general. Una vez que un estudiante es identificado como altamente capaz, él/ella tiene derecho a los servicios del programa de Alta Capacidad desde la fecha de elegibilidad hasta la graduación; No se requieren pruebas anuales.

Las nominaciones cierran el 16 de febrero de 2023.La evaluación considera a los nominados que actualmente están inscritos en los grados Kindergarten a undécimo. La selección para programas de alta capacidad refleja las pautas estatales para identificar a los estudiantes intelectualmente dotados. Si cree que su hijo debería participar en más pruebas, pero no cumple con los criterios de evaluación, puede nominar a su hijo. Los formularios de nominación se encuentran en las oficinas de consejería escolar y están disponibles en línea por selección en el menú Para Familias, Formularios de Alta Capacidad, y luego Altamente Capaz.

Dirija sus preguntas al consejero escolar de su hijo o a: Adam Ladage Director de Aprendizaje Estudiantil 8-12 (253)931-4950

Contact Us: 253-931-4748 | Office Hours 8:00 am - 4:00 pm | Principal, Kelly Maloney | AP, Emily Ezpeleta | Office Manager, Joni Westerdahl