Outdoor Learning


Find a comfy spot to sit in your garden and be still and quiet. How many birds visit your garden? You might want to try making a bird feeder (in the Family Fun section) to encourage the birds to visit. Use the checklist attached to try to identify the birds you see.

RSPB Bird Watch Survey Sheet

Den Building

Build a den large enough for you to fit inside. You could start by leaning long sticks against a tree and keep adding to it. When you are done think about how you could make your den cosier. Could you add some leaves, grass or bracken to make it more windproof?

Make a Bug Hotel

Use lollipop sticks as a base and build a bug hotel using sticks, pine cones, moss, grass and other natural materials. Observe your bug hotel each week and keep track of any minibeasts you see on the tally chart attached.

Minibeast Tally Chart

Nature Walk

Go on a nature walk. You could go to the Magic Woods, the beach or any area near your house where you can be surrounded by nature.

You could print the Scavenger Hunt Checklist below and see how many of the things you can spot on your walk.

Scavenger Hunt Checklist

Shadow Art

Lay out some toys or objects beside some paper in direct sunlight. Make sure to position the objects so the sun is shining from behind them and they create a shadow on the paper. Draw around the shadows to create a picture. Did you notice the shadows change size and shape as you were working? Shadows get longer as the sun sets.

Worm Charming

Worms respond to vibrations in the ground as this usually means it is raining and worms come to the surface to get more oxygen. Can you think of ways to attract the worms to the surface without digging?

Hint: How can you make the ground vibrate?

Did you know there are even worm charming Wold Championships held in England each year?

Worm Charming Guide