Neighborhood School Choice 

Lottery Information for SY2025-26

In accordance with Georgia House Bill 251, any schools that receives more applications than available spaces are required to have a random lottery to fill the available seats. The purpose of the random lottery is to rank the transfer applications in relation to other applicants for the same grade. The official lottery results will be posted in the SchoolMint Online Application System on Friday, January 24, 2025 by 5:00 PM. Video recordings of the lotteries will also be posted to this website at this time. 



 Which schools and grades have received more applications than projected transfer spaces available and will have random lotteries to determine offers?

Schools and Grades Requiring Random Lotteries for SY2025-26 

*Updated as of 1/10/25

When will I be notified?

Student Assignment will begin sending Transfer Offers via the SchoolMint Online Application System to parents/guardians beginning January 31, 2025. Parents will have 5 calendar days to accept or decline the transfer. If the parent/guardian declines the offered space or fails to respond within five (5) calendar days, that student will be removed from the roster and the space will be offered to the next student of that grade level on the list until all spaces have been filled.


Are only the schools with more applicants required to have a random lottery to fill the available spaces?

Yes, only the schools that received more applications than there are available spaces will have a random lottery to fill the available spaces. This means that if a school you have applied for is not listed on the list of lottery schools above, your student is likely to be offered a seat at the requested school, provided that all required services your child needs can be implemented (ex. IEP or 504) or that the school did not have a direct waitlist (shown below).

What if I haven't received any notice about my transfer application by May 28, 2025?

Please send an email to Student Assignment at or call 404-802-2233.

Can parents pick up the transfer offer?

No. All transfer offers are sent directly through the SchoolMint Online Application System. If assistance is needed to check the status of your application or to accept/decline a transfer offer, please contact the Office of Student Assignment at 404-802-2233 or