General Administrative Transfer FAQ's

General Administrative Transfer FAQ's

How many schools can I select on my application?

Parents may apply to any number of schools that are accepting submissions. Our office recommends applying to at least three schools accepting transfers.

What do I need to submit with my application?

Proof of residency (refer to the living scenarios listed below) should be submitted with your School Choice transfer application. The person, with whom the student lives must submit proof of residency, dated within the last 30 days and must show parent/guardian legal name and street address. 

Please note: a P.O. Box is not accepted as a resident address.

Carefully read the scenarios listed below, and provide the documents that apply to your child’s living situation. You may bring copies with you or request for copies to be made at the time you submit your application. 

Possible Living Situation #1  If you own and live in the resident property, you will need to provide: 

Possible Living Situation #2 If you rent and live in the rental property, you will need to provide: 

Possible Living Situation #3  If you are living at a property with the owner or being rented by another person, you will need to provide 

A list of additional documents can be found by clicking your preferred language: English | Spanish

Why Transfer?

Transfers are available to families that prefer to attend an APS school outside of their neighborhood or zoned school. 

If I apply for a transfer, when will I be notified about my application?

Parents will be notified if their application has been approved or denied on or before May 24.

Will I get the school I requested?

Every effort will be made to honor your choice requests. However, since general administrative transfers and special need transfers are limited by available classroom space at each school, there is no guarantee that every application will be approved.

What should I do if I have transferred a child to a particular school and I also want a sibling to attend the same school?

Siblings are not given priority in the administrative transfer process. A parent must submit a separate application for each child.

How long does an administrative transfer last?

An administrative transfer is effective through the highest grade of the transfer school. Parents of rising sixth and ninth graders must apply for the next school level in the spring during the child’s fifth and eighth-grade years.

If my child currently attends school in another district, am I eligible to apply for a general administrative transfer to an APS school?

APS welcomes all parents who would like to submit an application for a general transfer. If your application is approved, the parent or legal guardian will be required to pay tuition. The Atlanta Board of Education sets the tuition rate each year based on the cost to educate a child in the district. 

For current general transfer tuition rates, send an email to or call 404-802-2233.

How are spaces filled?

General administrative transfers are granted based upon classroom availability. If the number of applications for a given school exceeds the number of available spaces, a random lottery is conducted to provide each interested student with an equal chance for admission.

How does the APS determine the number of spaces available?

School capacity is reviewed each year. The superintendent then determines which schools have available classroom space and are eligible to accept school choice transfers.

Schools with 90 percent or above the facility’s planning capacity (based upon current year or projected enrollment), are ineligible to accept general administrative transfers for the following school year. If attendance zone growth projections show that a school will reach or exceed 90 percent capacity within any school year in which a transfer is valid, that school becomes ineligible to accept general administrative transfers.

Available transfer spaces in schools with capacity will be determined based on the number of projected spaces available in each class at each grade level not to exceed the state class size maximums. School choice transfers will not be offered that would result in projected class sizes above the state class size maximums even in years in which the Atlanta Board of Education and Georgia Board of Education approve a waiver of the state class size maximums. School choice transfers will not be offered that would result in an increase in the number of teachers allocated to the receiving school. Schools with portable classrooms or temporary satellite site locations to relieve overcrowding, shall not be deemed to have available classroom space.

What if my child has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)?

A parent may request a transfer for a child who has an IEP. If a parent requests a transfer to a school that does not offer services required by a current IEP or Individualized Accommodation Plan, the district is not required to develop those services at the requested school.

Notice: A student with disabilities who applied will need to have his or her individualized educational program (IEP) or Section 504 plan evaluated to determine if capacity on the special education program and services required under the IEP or 504 plans are available at the school. The district is not required to add program capacity and services to a school. If services and program capacity are not available your transfer may be denied.

Can a transfer be denied?

A general administrative transfer request may be denied for the following reasons:

Is transportation provided for general administrative transfer?

No. Parents who receive a general administrative transfer, assume all responsibility and cost of transporting their child, in a timely manner, to and from school.

Will transferring affect eligibility for athletic/extracurricular activities?

Students and parents should be aware that school transfers may affect the student’s eligibility to participate in athletic and extracurricular activities, which are governed by the Georgia High School Association (GHSA). Parents should verify whether GHSA requirements may affect their child’s eligibility, before submitting a school transfer request. 

Can children of APS employees who live outside the city of Atlanta attend an APS School?

Yes. Employees must apply through the general administrative transfer process. State law allows children of school-based employees to attend the school district where the employee works. Due to APS board regulations, the employee must complete a worksite transfer application.

Georgia Special Needs Scholarship

What are the Eligibility Requirements?

To qualify for the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Program (GSNS), a student must meet all four of the requirements listed below. There are no exceptions to the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) eligibility criteria.  

Where Can I Transfer My Child to Using This Program? 

The GSNS allows eligible special education students to request a transfer to:

How Can I Use GSNS Funds?

Funds received through the GSNS Program can only be used to offset tuition and fees at a private school authorized by the State Board of Education. However, the scholarship may not cover the total cost of tuition and fees.

Funds cannot be used for out-of-district tuition, charter schools, or other options available under public school choice. Also, GSNS funds cannot be used to pay for:

What are the other eligibility rules?

Students who do not meet the eligibility requirements will not receive a scholarship – no exceptions.

If I reside in another school district, can I use GSNS to pay non-resident tuition?

Out-of-district students are required to pay non-resident student tuition. Funds received through the GSNS Program cannot be used for out-of-district tuition, charter schools, or other options available under public school choice.

How is GSNS transfer granted?

GSNS transfers are granted based upon space availability. If the number of applications for a school exceed the number of classroom spaces, a random lottery will be conducted to provide each student with an equal opportunity for admission.

Is transportation provided?

Transportation is the responsibility of the parent. You must provide on-time, daily transportation, to and from the school.

Is the school required to add supplementary special educational services?

No. There must be appropriate special education services and space available at the requested school. The school is not required to add more services for transfer students.

If I select a private school, will special education or related required services be provided?

Private schools have no obligation to provide special education or related services. If you accept the scholarship, you must waive your child’s federal rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Special education assistance or related services will not be provided from the public school.