Pre-IB 1 Scientific Revolution and Discoveries

Scientific Revolution Influencer Cards

Databases and eBooks:
They all create citations for you that you can import into Noodletools! Using the Databases and eBooks from Home? View the Digital Resources Logins and Passwords page. You'll need to sign in with your @apps to view.

World History the Modern Era Database - A history database from IHS that features shorter, hyperlinked encyclopedia articles, written and published by ABC-Clio. In addition to these articles, you'll find media and primary sources. Example articles are the the biography entries of Margaret Cavendish, Rene Descartes and Tycho Brahe.

World History in Context Database -  A comprehensive database that gathers published information from reference books, magazines and news publications, academic journals and includes primary sources like videos, images, and audio. Examples include the 17 biography search results on Andreas Vesalius, a biographic article on Caroline Herschel, and an article Science and the Scientific Revolution and Women in 18th C. Mathematics that include discussions of the the contributions of women in science and math.  

Gale OneFile Science -  A comprehensive database focused on Science includes academic journals, news, books,  magazine articles, etc. Another great source for most of your thinkers. An example article is from an academic journal about William Harvey and the history and ethics of animal usage in scientific discoveries. 

Britannica via KCLS - Click "Middle and High School Students > Databases > Scroll to Britannica Online. Login with your 417+student number and the last four digits of your student number.  There are entries for many of the scientists, including one overview article of Women in Science (link may not work if not signed in to KCLS first). 

Print Books: 

Use the library catalog to locate print books on your research topic, but we've pulled the few that will be especially relevant.  
(Borrow Newton Nat Geo from TMS and Science and Invention from WHS)


Slides on Creating a project, citing databases articles and books in NT. 

**Screencast: How to Share your NT with the Library

**Once you share your works cited, the librarians always see your "live" version. They'll make comments on them and you'll have a few days before they grade them. 

Older Assignment:
Scientific Discoveries - Pre-IB History 1

Assignment Directions and Notes Form - Here!  

Using Noodletools to Create a Works Cited List - Here!

"Scientific Discoveries" as a search term will give you articles about them and those articles may give examples of them.

Because this research is looking at discoveries that are very current, a free web search will of course be a great place to start. Here are a few specific recommendations:

Free Web:

"10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2018" by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). 

Dueling neural networks. Artificial embryos. AI in the cloud. Welcome to our annual list of the 10 technology advances we think will shape the way we work and live now and for years to come.

It has been an incredible year for healthcare technologies so far. On the World Health Day, take a look at the innovations and discoveries of 2018.

Databases, eBooks and Print Books: Using these from home? You'll need the passwords. Go to Classroom Connections > Additional Resources and you'll see the link there at the top for the logins and passwords. You'll need to sign in to GoogleApps to view.

ProQuest will have magazine and newspaper articles that provide more in-depth information and reviews about current scientific discoveries. 

Sample Article: "2017's Top-10 Discoveries and Scientific Achievements at Brookhaven National Laboratory." Targeted News Service, Dec 27, 2017. ProQuest,

eLibrary will also have magazine and newspaper articles. 

Sample Article:  Kitano, Hiroaki. "Artificial Intelligence to Win the Nobel Prize and Beyond: Creating the Engine for Scientific Discovery." AI Magazine, vol. 37, no. 1, 2016, pp. 39-49. elibrary,, doi:

Remember databases will help you generate a correct MLA 8th edition citation that you can copy/paste into Noodletools. 

Print Sources: Use the catalog to search for any print items for your discovery, but most likely, your discovery will be too new for us to have a book on it. But always worth a look!