Birthdays/ Celebrations

Classroom Celebrations

The school day is busy and the time available needs to be used for learning.  Special treats/desserts for classes should be shared during your child’s lunch period time.  These treats must be store bought and have listed ingredients on the packaging. 


Any food that is sent to school must be store bought and labeled with the ingredients. Items purchased at bakeries must contain ingredient labels. This precautionary guideline assures the school staff that foods are sanitary. It provides school personnel with a “contents label” to protect students with specific food allergies. This policy applies to students only. Classrooms who have students with severe, life-threatening allergies may be prohibited from bringing in certain foods.  Currently all food should be pre-packed and individually wrapped. (Example: Cupcakes are not individually wrapped).


If a student is planning to bring invitations at school they must bring an invitation for each student in the classroom. If all students are not invited to the party then invitations can not be distributed to the students.  The teacher must be contacted before invitations are sent.  The delivery of balloons, gifts, flowers, etc., to school is prohibited. No items will be delivered to students during the school day. Items will be kept in the office until the end of the day and then sent home with the student.  Balloons, flowers, baskets and large gifts are prohibited on the bus.  Balloons are also prohibited at graduation.