Mental Health Tips

Mental Health is for Everyone!

You protect your physical health. You try to eat healthy and sleep least most days. If you were injured, you would seek medical attention. If you noticed that a friend was very sick, you would encourage them to visit a doctor, and you would not judge them for needing help.

Your body is an integrated whole, which means that your physical and mental health are intertwined. Did you know that your mental health is just as important and needs just as much attention as your physical health does?

Be aware of the signs and risk factors for some of the most common mental health issues, anxiety and depression. If you or a friend are experiencing any of the signs, reach out. Your school counselors are trained to help you.

Self-Care Tips

Get back to basics.

  • Food: Eat enough to fuel your body. Incorporate a variety of fresh, healthy foods.

  • Sleep: Maintain a regular routine. Don't stay up late on a school night!

  • School/Work: Stay organized with your school assignments. Getting behind on work or procrastinating increases your stress levels.

Know your limits.

  • Make sure you are able to meet your responsibilities and have some time for yourself. Say no to the extra things.

Find a friend; be a friend.

  • Make time for the important family and friend relationships in your life.

  • Be open to making new friends.

  • Stay out of drama. It is okay to take a break from social media sometimes.

Do what you love.

  • Discover what energizes or relaxes you. Then, do it. If an activity or sport is no longer enjoyable, try something new.

  • Be creative!


  • Sometimes life is hard, and you don't know what to do. Take a few deep breaths. Find a friend or trusted adult to help.

Understanding & Managing Stress

How are you coping these days?

Martine Helou and Jennifer Woodard, of the Palmetto Foundation, interview two South Carolina high school students about being well and staying connected during the pandemic.

Learn more and get support for yourself or a friend from the Palmetto Foundation for Prevention and Recovery