College Planning

Do you know how to earn the College & Career Ready cord for graduation? 

College Searches

Finding the right college can be a daunting task. There are so many factors to consider. Do they have the major you need? Not to mention tuition costs, financial aid packages, extracurricular opportunities, size, location...

Fortunately, there are great online resources to help you sort through all the options. One reliable search engine--Big Future--can be found in College Board, the same website you use to register for the SAT. Another great  tool is Cappex. This site shows colleges' acceptance rate and the average freshman SAT and ACT scores.

Free Application Waivers!

Application Waivers for All Students


Application Waivers for Free and Reduced Lunch Students

*SAT/ACT fee waivers are given based on qualifying for free/reduced lunch. Be sure your parent submits an application each year if your family thinks they may qualify for this lunch status.

2-year Colleges

Earn an associate's degree in 2 years--less, if you start as a Pathways Program student in high school!

Technical colleges also offer certifications to enhance your job training, as well as night class options for working adults.

College Finance Tip

Save money on your bachelor's (4-year degree) by starting your education at a 2-year college, then transfer to a 4-year college!

Scholarship Tip

Did you know that if you plan to attend a two-year college in South Carolina and have at least a 3.0 GPA, you qualify for the LIFE scholarship? That's up to $5,000 each year for tuition and textbooks!