Act 4 scene 5

Act 4 scene 5 summary of key points:

  • The Nurse is unable to wake Juliet and discovers that the bride-to-be is apparantly dead.

  • Lord and Lady Capulet are overcome with grief.

  • Friar Lawrence and Paris are the last to arrive at a grim scene.

  • The family is engulfed in misery.

  • The wedding is transformed into a funeral as Friar Lawrence takes charge of the burial arrangements.

Why is this scene important?

  • It sets the final action of the play.

  • It shows this interchangeable line between love and misery as the wedding becomes the funeral; the bride becomes the corpse.

  • It shows the Friar's solution - so far is going according to plan.

Copy of Act-4-Scene-5---The-Capulets-and-the-rights-to-grief.docx