Romeo and Juliet Core Knowledge

Knowledge Organiser for Romeo and Juliet:

Here is an online version of your 'core knowledge' organiser for the text. By the exam, you should be able to recall from memory all of these key sections. You should prioritise this section for your revision. This is essential content for grade 5 and above.

There is deliberate cross-over in the revision pages - which offer a bit more detail to support your progress. Use them in conjunction with each other.

There are activities in your central revision booklet, which tie into this core knowledge document.

Make sure to scroll down on this page.

R&J knowledge organiserDR2.pdf

There is a lot of content on one sheet so we have broken the above into sections below:

Key events in Romeo and Juliet:

plot R&J

Key characters in Romeo and Juliet:

characters R&J

Key themes in Romeo and Juliet:

Themes R&J

A03: key ideas and perspectives in Romeo and Juliet

ideas, themes and perspectives

Key symbols and motifs in the play


Key quotes you should know :

Copy of Quotes R&J