Lord of the Flies Practice exam questions

Before you are ready to do your exam, you should complete at least three full essay responses for Lord of the Flies.

The more you complete: the better your exam response will be - as well as your confidence.

Remember: for all additional pieces of work you complete to a good standard will get you 3 House points.

If it is done to an exceptional standard, you will be rewarded with 5 House Points.

Practice set 1

  • Select one task from the choice of two below to write an exam-style essay response on.

  • Complete this task in your revision booklet - remember to complete the planning boxes in your booklet before you write your response up in full.

  • You should spend around 50 minutes answering this question in exam conditions. In this time, you should be aiming for a minimum of 2 sides of A4.

Lord of the Flies practice set 1

Practice set 2

  • Select one task from the choice of two below to write an exam-style essay response on.

  • Complete this task in your revision booklet - remember to complete the planning boxes in your booklet before you write your response up in full.

  • You should spend around 50 minutes answering this question in exam conditions. In this time, you should be aiming for a minimum of 2 sides of A4.

Lord of the Flies Practice set 2

Practice set 3

  • Select one task from the choice of two below to write an exam-style essay response on.

  • Complete this task in your revision booklet - remember to complete the planning boxes in your booklet before you write your response up in full.

  • You should spend around 50 minutes answering this question in exam conditions. In this time, you should be aiming for a minimum of 2 sides of A4.

Lord of the Flies practice 3

Practice set 4

  • Select one task from the choice of two below to write an exam-style essay response on.

  • Complete this task in your revision booklet - remember to complete the planning boxes in your booklet before you write your response up in full.

  • You should spend around 50 minutes answering this question in exam conditions. In this time, you should be aiming for a minimum of 2 sides of A4.

Lord of the Flies practice 4