Language Paper 2 Question 2

In this question, you are asked to compare both Source A and Source B either looking for similarities or differences between the two, with a narrowed focus. 

In the question below the narrowed focus is on the 'differences between the two companions, Simon and Marius'.

The question wants you to be able to use evidence to support your findings and infer the meaning of the quotation to compare the different ways the companions act, talk, present themselves. 

Firstly, start by re-reading the sources and highlighting ways that Marius and Simon are presented (it is a good idea to look for verbs, adverbs and adjectives that describe them). 

Secondly, then find connecting differences that you can see are linked. For example, is Marius polite and kind whilst Simon is cheeky and abrupt? 

Then write out your explanation using evidence from the text to support your findings. 

Question 2.docx