About the R&J exam section

Literature Paper 1 Guide (1).pdf

The Romeo and Juliet Exam Section appears on Literature Exam Paper 1. This is a closed book exam, which means that you will not have access to a copy of the play in the exam. 


This exam paper has two sections: 



The whole exam paper is 1 hour 45 minutes long. You should spend around 50 minutes on Romeo and Juliet, and 50 minutes on Frankenstein/A Christmas Carol. In addition to this, you should spend around 5 minutes proof reading your Romeo and Juliet response as you are given 4 marks for SPaG for this question. 



What you will be doing in the exam:


The question in the exam will be focused on a key character, relationship or theme

You will be given a short extract taken from any part of the play. You will be asked to comment on this extract, demonstrating your close language analysis skills (A02), and then you be asked to comment the presentation of a character or theme elsewhere in the play. 

As a rough guide, you should spend around 15-20 minutes commenting on the extract, and around 30-35 minutes discussing ideas across the play as a whole. 

Here is an example of how the exam question will be laid out (this is not the actual question): 

You must answer on both parts of the question: 1) the extract and 2) the rest of the text. If you don't, no matter how good your response is, you will be capped at 10 marks on the mark scheme (out of 30)

Assessment Objectives:



This tests your ability to come up with your own interpretations (an informed, personal response), as well as your ability to make close reference to the play (including selecting and commenting on short quotations from the extract you have been given). 



Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate. Here are some examples of Language, form and structure techniques - here are some examples: 

When discussing methods, consider what ideas they convey - this will get you great marks if completed successfully. Think about the big ideas in the text. 



Ideas, perspectives and attitudes explored in the play: 




Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation. You are marked out of 4 for this assessment objective. 

Here is the mark scheme for A04: