About the LotF exam section

Literature Paper 2

The Lord of the Flies Exam Section appears on Literature Exam Paper 2. This is a closed book exam, which means that you will not have access to the novel in the exam. 

The whole exam paper is 2 hours 15 minutes long. This exam paper has three sections. 

See below for the content of each section and timings: 

Literature Paper 2 Guide (1).pdf

What you will be doing in the exam:

Here is an example of how the question will be laid out in the exam (this is not the question you will get): 


Assessment Objectives:


This tests your ability to come up with your own interpretations (an informed, personal response), as well as your ability to make close reference to the novel. As you are not given a passage from the play in this section, you will not be expected to quote. However, you will be expected to refer closely to key moments in the novel to support your points. 

Although there is no expectation to quote, it is helpful to keep in mind short key quotes which highlight different key ideas. Think about why they are important, where they occur in the story and what messages are being conveyed through them. 

See our key quote section here: Lord of the Flies key quotes 


Analyse the language, form and structure used by a writer to create meanings and effects, using relevant subject terminology where appropriate. Here are some examples of Language, form and structure techniques you could comment on:

Symbols and motifs in the play: 

Characters each represent different ideas (summarised below): 


This is all about the attitudes, ideas and perspectives of the writer. You will gain marks for A03 if you cover any of the following in your response: