Act 3 scene 5

Act 3 scene 5 summary of key points:

  • The lovers awake and realise that it is day. They both put off the moment of their final separation.

  • The Nurse arrives with news that Lady Capulet is on her way to see Juliet. Romeo and Juliet part hastily and Juliet has a deep sense of foreboding.

  • Lady Capulet greets the weeping Juliet with unexpected news of arrangements for the wedding with Paris.

  • Juliet is devastated and refuses to cooperate.

  • Her enraged father gives her a stark choice: marriage or disinheritance.

  • Juliet looks for guidance and comfort from the Nurse, who tells her to forget Romeo and marry Paris.

  • Juliet realises that only the Friar, to whom she is now going, can help her.

Why is this scene important?

  • There is great poignancy in the lover's final farewell. This is the last time they will ever see the other alive.

  • The Capulets put impossible demands on Juliet to marry, forcing her to take action, as she is already married.

  • The Nurse's advice for her to forget Romeo effectively ends the relationship she shared with Juliet, who feels she can no longer trust her.