Act 3 scene 1

Act 3 scene 1 summary of key points:

  • Benvolio and Mercutio are in the street, but Benvolio is anxious not to meet the Capulets as he feels sure there will be another brawl.

  • Tybalt enters, looking for Romeo; Mercutio is easily provoked by Tybalt.

  • Romeo enters. Tybalt insults him, but Romeo tries to keep things peaceful. This enrages Mercutio even more, and he starts to fight Tybalt.

  • Romeo tries to come between them to stop the fight, but Mercutio is fatally wounded.

  • Romeo is in turmoul as a result of Mercutio's death. He turns on Tybalt and kills him. Romeo flees.

  • The Prince learns of the details of the fight from Benvolio. Romeo is banished from Verona.

Why is this scene important?

  • The scene shows where the violence in the opening scene can lead.

  • We see Romeo torn between his new marriage into the Capulet family and his desire to protect and avenge his own kinsman following Tybalt's attack.

  • The scene provides evidence of how circumstances can turn a peace-loving man into a killer, as Romeo kills Tybalt.

  • It is at this point in the play that the events turn against Romeo and threaten his future with Juliet.