Act 2 scene 2

Act 2 scene 2 summary of key points:

  • Romeo has climed the wall into the Capulet's orchard.

  • He sees Juliet at her window and compares her to the sun and the stars.

  • He overhears her declaring her feelings for him and lets her know he is there.

  • Juliet is anxious for his safety and embarassed he has heard what she said. Romeo reassures her of his love.

  • They exchange a vow of love and Juliet asks him to arrange for them to be married.

Why is this scene important?

  • Juliet's declaration of love in an overheard soliloquy hastens the development of the love affair.

  • It is one of the few times in the play we see the lovers together and are able to understand their tenderness and devotion to each other.

  • We see that Juliet is very practical, asking Romeo to arrange thier wedding hastily. She is clearly conscious of the need to marry her own choice of husband before the marriage her father has arranged for her and Paris goes ahead.