Literary terminology quiz

Quiz 1:

Who is the aggressor in Romeo and Juliet?

a) Romeo

b) Juliet

c) Tybalt

d) Lord Capulet

What is the purpose of an aside in a play?

a) To provide background information

b) To reveal a character's thoughts or feelings to the audience

c) To move the plot forward

d) To introduce a new character

What does ambiguity refer to in literature?

a) Clear and defined language

b) Complex and multi-layered meaning

c) Simple and easy to understand language

d) Language that is open to multiple interpretations

What is the atmosphere of a story or play?

a) The setting and physical environment

b) The emotional or mood-related elements

c) The plot and themes

d) The characters and their motivations

What is the purpose of bawdy language in literature?

a) To shock and offend the reader/audience

b) To add humor to the story

c) To reveal a character's inner thoughts or feelings

d) To move the plot forward

What is catharsis in literature?

a) The emotional release or purging experienced by the reader/audience

b) The climax of the story

c) The resolution of the conflict

d) The development of the characters

What is a character in literature?

a) A person or being in a story or play

b) The setting and physical environment

c) The plot and themes

d) The tone and atmosphere

What does change refer to in literature?

a) A transformation or shift in a character, situation, or theme

b) The climax of the story

c) The resolution of the conflict

d) The development of the characters

What is the climax in a story or play?

a) The turning point or highest point of tension in the story

b) The resolution of the conflict

c) The development of the characters

d) The beginning of the story

What is catalysis in literature?

a) The process of accelerating a reaction by the presence of a catalyst

b) The emotional release or purging experienced by the reader/audience

c) The climax of the story

d) The resolution of the conflict

Quiz 2:

  1. Who is the aggressor in Romeo and Juliet and how does he instigate the feud between the Montague and Capulet families?

  2. What does Romeo say in an aside when he is hiding in the Capulet's garden?

  3. Why is Capulet an ambiguous character?

  4. What is the atmosphere in Romeo and Juliet?

  5. What is the main conflict in the play?

  6. How does Romeo change throughout the play?

  7. What is the climax of the play?

  8. Who serves as a foil to Romeo in the play?

  9. How is the tragic ending of the play foreshadowed in the prologue and throughout the play?

  10. What is the catharsis that audience may experience at the end of Romeo and Juliet?

  11. What is the contrast between the love Romeo and Juliet share and the hatred of their families?

  12. What is the main development in Romeo and Juliet's relationship?

  13. How does Romeo and Juliet's dialogue reveal their feelings for each other and the tension caused by their families' feud?

  14. What is the dissonance in the play?

  15. When does Juliet have an epiphany and what is it about?

Quiz 3:

What is the definition of literal?

a) Taking words in their usual or most basic sense

b) Using figurative language to create meaning

c) Using complex and multi-layered language

d) Using simple and easy to understand language

What are literary references?

a) Allusions to other literary works or historical events in a text

b) The physical setting of a story

c) The main character in a story or play

d) The resolution of the conflict

What is a metaphor?

a) Using figurative language to create meaning

b) Taking words in their usual or most basic sense

c) Using complex and multi-layered language

d) Using simple and easy to understand language

What is a metaphor?

a) A figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another

b) A historical event or person referenced in a text

c) The main character in a story or play

d) The resolution of the conflict

What is a motif?

a) A recurring element in a story or play, such as a recurring image, symbol, or theme

b) A historical event or person referenced in a text

c) The main character in a story or play

d) The resolution of the conflict

What is motivation?

a) The reasons or factors that drive a character's actions or decisions

b) A recurring element in a story or play

c) A historical event or person referenced in a text

d) The resolution of the conflict

What is a moral message?

a) A lesson or principle that a story or play is meant to convey about right and wrong behaviour

b) The reasons or factors that drive a character's actions or decisions

c) A recurring element in a story or play

d) A historical event or person referenced in a text

What is pace?

a) The speed at which a story or play unfolds, including the rhythm and tempo of the action and dialogue

b) A lesson or principle that a story or play is meant to convey

c) The reasons or factors that drive a character's actions or decisions

d) A recurring element in a story or play

What is parallel?

a) A similarity or correspondence between two or more things

b) The speed at which a story or play unfolds

c) A lesson or principle that a story or play is meant to convey

d) The reasons or factors that drive a character's actions or decisions

What is a Petrarchan lover?

a) A man who is idealized and distant, often in a medieval or Renaissance context

b) A similarity or correspondence between two or more things

c) The speed at which a story or play unfolds

d) A lesson or principle that a story or play is meant to convey