Lord and Lady Capulet

Capulet – Juliet’s father and the head of House Capulet, which is in a long-standing feud with House Montague. Capulet, like Montague, is dedicated to stoking the “ancient grudge” between their two houses and ensuring that their descendants continue it on between themselves. Capulet, however, unlike Montague, is obsessed with appearances and social standing, and is willing to put the grudge aside in order to create the illusion of calm. One such instance of this occurs when Tybalt suggests brawling with the Montagues in the middle of the Capulets’ annual masquerade, and Capulet orders him to refrain in order to keep up appearances. Capulet plans to use his only daughter, Juliet, in order to advance their family’s social capital by marrying her off to Paris. When she refuses, he threatens to disown her, ignoring her feelings and desires for his own purposes.

Lady Capulet – Juliet’s mother. Like her husband, Capulet, Lady Capulet is obsessed with appearances and with advancing Juliet’s social station. She is ignorant of her daughter’s true feelings most of the time, and, even when confronted with them, attempts to steamroll Juliet’s emotions and urge her daughter to put on a brave face, accept fate, and comply with her family’s plans for her.