Our Curriculum

Find Your Remarkable 

Curriculum Intent Statement

Hall Road Academy provides a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give all learners the depth and breadth of knowledge they need to succeed.

Our curriculum fulfills the statutory legal requirements of the EYFS and National Curriculum in addition to the school’s ‘hidden’ curriculum which reflects the school’s values, British Values and PSHE whilst also supporting the needs of our community.  We believe in making learning fun and memorable and we ensure links across lessons to make learning meaningful, purposeful and ‘real’. Throughout all of our teaching, our children are exposed to a wide range of rich vocabulary which is developed daily in spoken and written activities. This ensures that all pupils, especially children that arrive at our school with little or no English, leave fully able to make sense of, and contribute to, modern British society. 

The school’s focus on curriculum development ensures children achieve the basics in reading, writing, grammar, punctuation, spelling and mathematical recall and reasoning. Continuous assessment at-the-point-of learning ensures that all children are challenged and encouraged to reach their potential.  A cross-curricular approach to topics connects skills and knowledge within a variety of subject areas. We plan our topics annually. We link our topics to engaging texts which provide context to learning alongside our large, creatively produced topic books which give children a sense of pride in the presentation of their work. 

The National Curriculum

Children in years 1-6 are taught the National Curriculum subjects which are: 

Our Curriculum - Overview

Our EYFS Curriculum is under development! Watch this space! 

HRA Curriculum 2324 - updated Jan 24

Our Curriculum - Topic Webs

Autumn One 

Autumn Two 

Spring One

Spring Two

Our Curriculum - Ark Subjects


Our Curriculum - Key Knowledge Unit Maps (Ark Subjects)

Our  Key Knowledge Unit Maps show the important knowledge statements we expect our learners to retain each lesson. They also feature the lesson's key term which is explored throughout the lesson. 

Aut 1 - Y1-Y6 Key Knowledge Unit Maps.pdf
Aut 2 - Y1-Y6 Key Knowledge Unit Maps .pdf
Spring 1 - Y1-Y6 Key Knowledge Unit Maps (1).pdf
Spring 2 - Y1-Y6 Key Knowledge Unit Maps (1).pdf