Foundation 2
Alongside our engaging indoor and outdoor provision, which reflects our half term topic, we also have Phonics groups daily as early reading is something we value at Hall Road Academy. In F2 we follow Read Write Inc which supports our children effectively. Read Write Inc (RWI) is a phonics complete literacy programme which helps children learn to read fluently and at speed so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary and spelling. The children connect sounds with mnemonic pictures; words with their meanings; and stories with the sounds they know. They learn to lift the words off the page.
Our reading scheme has been designed so all children become confident readers. Each week every child will start to bring home a reading book when they are confident with individual sounds and blending. They will also bring home a book for pleasure which parents can read to them. All children will take home tricky word flashcards, these words cannot be decoded using Fred talk so the children take these home to help them remember them from sight.
At AET we are lucky to have a specialised Early Years Maths Team who have developed our Maths scheme following a mastery flow model. This concentrates on the basic Mathematical skills and supports through deeper understandings.
Fine and gross motor skills are crucial to a child’s development. We focus upon these greatly every single day. We have morning dough disco sessions to get our children’s fingers moving and ready for our busy days ahead, this really helps with their mark making. Our outdoor environment is excellent for developing gross motor skills. The children ride bikes, climb safely, do lots of digging and move around in a variety of different ways.