Special Education Needs/Disability

At Hall Road we are committed to supporting every child regardless of their level of need.  Hall Road prides itself on being inclusive ensuring that all pupils have the opportunity to participate in school life and reach their full potential. We provide a caring and supporting environment in which all pupils are valued equally and are given the opportunity to take risks in a safe environment and flourish.

The four areas of need identified within the SEND code of Practice underpin the ethos at Hall Road Academy.

Cognition and Learning needs

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Communication and Interaction.

Sensory and/or Physical needs

Click the links on our SEND support document to see how we cater for each child's needs at different stages

SEND Offer.pdf

Special Educational Needs is used to describe a learning difficulty or disability that makes it harder for children to learn than most children of the same age. Children with SEN – Special Educational Needs are likely to need extra of different help from that from that given to other children their age. 


All children are entitled to quality first teaching but, for some children, there will be times when additional support will be necessary in order to meet their needs . Some children will be identified as having special educational needs or disabilities (SEND), and others may need a short-term catch-up programme. We take a graduated approach to SEND, so if a child is making inadequate progress, they will be offered extra help (intervention). If the progress continues to be inadequate, they may be identified as having SEND and the level of support will increase or vary. All children with SEND will have some provision that is additional to or different from other children.

If you think your child may have SEND, please contact the SENCO Mrs Brown on 01482 441151.

Hull's Local Offer

In Hull there is a lot of support available to children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs, and their families. Click the logo  to find out more information. The offer has many different sections including education, health, social care or parental support, Hull's local offer will aim to point you in the right direction.