Solo Performances

Click the button to choose your Solo Performance options provided by NJDFL.


  1. Read through a variety of monologues. Monologues that come from plays are always the better choice than one found on the internet.

  2. Choose your monologue.

      1. Take a picture of it if it is from a book so you have a copy just in case.

      2. Make sure you are adding your selection to any spreadsheet or doc Mrs. Volpe has asked you to fill out.

  3. Copy it down

      1. Hand copy the monologue onto lined paper.

      2. Double space, leave room in the margins.

  4. Research the play the monologue came from. Ask yourself....

      1. Who is my character in the context of the play?

      2. What happened prior to my character speaking this monologue that gives them reason to speak?

  5. Character Sketch

      1. Get to know your character by completing Uta's 9 Questions

  6. Mark your beats on your hand copy. Then mark your intentions and adjustments. SLIDE PRESENTATION HERE.

    1. Resource

    2. Acting Verb List (put in the infinitive: to justify)

  7. Marginalia

      1. Mark in the margins any notes to yourself regarding intentions, motivations, wants, needs, movements, feelings, emotions.

  8. Score your script

    1. Use markings to identify pauses, speed (rate), and volume.

  9. Memorize

  10. Block

  11. Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse

  12. Schedule coaching with Mrs. Volpe

  13. Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse

  14. Perform

  15. Make adjustments, fix, improve, and possibly perform again