Officer Duties

All officers must:

  • Maintain an eligible GPA for participation in after school activities.

  • Maintain regular attendance to school. If found to be on "no credit status," title shall be rescinded.

  • Attend all meetings, with exceptions being considered on a case by case basis.

  • Be a welcoming embodiment of kindness, collaboration, and positivity for the organization, school, and among peers.

  • All officers should be prepared to present, speak, or help plan Performing Arts Night.

  • Officers should lead by example through participation in club performances and activities.


  • The President must be an active member of ITS.

  • The President is responsible for meeting with the Director to plan and schedule the meeting agenda as well as carry out the agenda at each meeting.

  • The President takes responsibility for planning activities with the input of the cabinet that help inspire member participation and encourage the involvement and growth of the club.

  • Ensures all officers are fulfilling their duties and delegate responsibilities to officers and club members when needed.

  • Assist the Director with whatever necessary. While the President is the head of the club, the Director has the final say and is ultimately above all decisions made by the President.

  • Should make all efforts to attend and represent Drama Club at school functions.


  • The Vice-President must be an active member of ITS.

  • The Vice-President's main responsibility is to assist the President in any way possible to ensure the smooth function of the club.

  • The Vice-President is to step in whenever the President is not available to fulfill duties. They may also help to assist other Officers.

  • Should make all efforts to attend and represent Drama Club at school functions.

  • Collaborate with the President.


  • The Secretary should be an active or aspiring member of ITS.

  • The Secretary's main responsibility is record keeping: Attendance at all meetings

  • Records the participation of members in Drama Club events and activities.

  • The Secretary will help the President type, create, and share the Meeting Agenda/Minutes.

  • The Secretary will be given editing rights to necessary Google Drive documents and folders.

Public Relations Chair

  • The Public Relations Chairperson should be an active or aspiring member of ITS.

  • The Public Relations Chairperson is responsible for ensuring that publicity for Drama Club events and activities are being distributed to the school and community.

  • This may include giving reminders to the Director for timeliness as there are some publicity items that only the Director can do, or typing up items for the Director to post.

      • Posters for events (can be either student or teacher created)

          • Printing of posters must be approved by Ms. Ellenberg (color posters approved by Mr. Potkay)

          • Delegate the distribution of posters to be hung in the Main Building and South Wing, as well as the community

      • Morning Announcements

          • Any announcement can by typed and emailed to the Director to share with Mr. Rovani and Ms. Helper to be included in the daily announcements and through Red Hawk Media.

      • Digital Signage

          • A Google Slide can be created for announcements to be shared with the director, wherein IT will post it to the tvs around the building.

      • Digital Marquee

          • Performance information can be shared on the marquee located on Atlantic Avenue. Information can be shared with the Director to give to IT for inclusion.

      • Social Media

          • The Publicity Chair can encourage the promotion of pre-approved posters/images through personal member social media. However, the Chair or any student may not create an account in ACIT's name.

ITS Coordinator

  • The ITS Coordinator must be a member of ITS

  • The ITS Coordinator is responsible for tracking student involvement in activities.

  • Sharing ITS Application information in March

  • Adding and counting accumulated ITS points for individual applicants.

  • Assisting the Director with induction procedures, organization of awards.

  • Assist the President in the planning of Performing Arts Awards Night to ensure New ITS Members are inducted.


  • The Historian should be an active or aspiring member of ITS.

  • The Historian's main responsibility is the documentation of Drama events.

  • The Historian should attend (or when not available, delegate another officer or member) Drama activities and document such through photos or videos.

  • The Historian can work with the Secretary to pull information from past years if necessary.

  • The Historian can work with the Publicity Chair to utilize photos for promotional purposes.

  • The Historian should also create a document detailing the work and accomplishments of the club for the year so that the following year's officers may be able to reflect back on success, challenges, and make necessary changes.

South Wing Liaisons

  • South Wing Liaisons should be freshmen aspiring to be members of ITS.

  • South Wing Liaisons are responsible for making sure information about Drama Club makes it to South Wing.

  • This could include

      • Helping to distribute/hang posters for the Publicity Chair

      • Selling tickets for performances or making sure tickets are being sold by South Wing secretaries.

      • Talking about and spreading the word to South Wing about anything Drama, Musical, or Performing Arts related.