Drama Competition

At this time, most organizations (Thespian Festival, STANJ, and NJDFL) have all been preparing for virtual competitions.

We will participate in these the best we can.

All field trips at this time have been suspended.

**Most of the organizations below have social media. I encourage you to join, participate, and stay up to date on the arts in NJ

New Jersey Drama and Forensics League (NJDFL)


Thespian Festival

  • NJ Thespians (ITS)

        1. Virtual Festival: January 16, 17, 18, 2021

        2. Categories and rules can be found HERE

        3. Still waiting of specifics of virtual event.

Speech and Theatre Association of NJ (STANJ)

  • Speech and Theatre Association of NJ (STANJ)

        1. Registration Deadline: Nov. 2

        2. Video Submission Deadline: December 3rd at 3:00pm (with the exception of the Improvisational Pairs and Stage Manager categories that will happen live on Zoom on December 12th).

        3. Live Broadcast: Jan. 22

Competition Booklet

Teen Arts (County and State)