Drama I/II

Grades 10 and 11

Drama I and II aims to expand upon the Fundamentals of the Body, Mind, and Voice explored in the previous levels. Actors will learn how to take those skill and apply them to various performance pieces including monologues and scenes. Actors will begin script analysis, character development, and understanding the building blocks of creating a performance. Students will also move forward in learning Theatre History. Because Grades 10 and 11 are combined, the curriculums will be presented so that the classes work together in most units on a year A/ year B rotation. Acting technique is re-taught each year with juniors skill levels expected to improve and advance. This course will challenge students to think more critically and make more connections to life and world issues through their art. There may be times where content is uncomfortable, personal, controversial, etc. Actors must be willing to put themselves out there as an artist and explore the process.We will also examine the industry in depth, have students evaluate their goals, introduce students to post-secondary options for Performing Arts, discuss the audition process, etc.