Concentration and Ensemble Games

Zip Zap Zop

Rationale: This activity..

  • Vocal articulation

  • Concentration

  • Ensemble connection


Actors stand in a circle.

Actors clap and pass the connection to another actor in the circle.

Use eye contact and a definitive direction of clap so that the other person knows you are cuing them.

Each person as they pass the connection will vocalize “zip” “zap” “zop” in order.

The pass should follow a rhythm without pause or delay.

If someone messes up the flow, they have to dance it out in the center of the circle.

Then the game continues with them.


Flea Fly

Rationale: The purpose of this activity is

  • Warm up vocals and practice articulation of consonant sounds

  • Physical warm up, tempo, concentration

  • Build group dynamic, release inhibitions, foster creativity

NOTE: There are numerous versions of this song that have been inspired by children’s rhymes, songs, and have been taught in Girls Scouts and theatre camps for decades.

Companion Reading:

Lead: Flea

Ensemble: Flea

Lead: Flea Fly

Ensemble: Flea Fly

Lead: Flea Fly Flo

Ensemble: Flea Fly Flo

Lead: Vista

Ensemble: VIsta

Lead: Cuma Lama, Cuma Lama, Cuma Lama Vista

Ensemble: Cuma Lama, Cuma Lama, Cuma Lama Vista

Lead: Oh no, no no ca vista

Ensemble: Oh no, no no ca vista

Lead: Eenie, meenie, decimeenie, oo walla walla meenie!

Ensemble: Eenie, meenie, decimeenie, oo walla walla meenie!

Lead: Decimeenie sala meenie oh walla wah

Ensemble: Decimeenie sala meenie oh walla wah

Everyone: A big billy otten goaten abeat bat en bitten batten

Then pick up the pace and start over.