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Welcome to CIMEO, the Sapienza Experimental Economics Lab

CIMEO (Centre for Investigation and Modelling of Experimental Observations) is a multi-disciplinary laboratory for research on the nature of human decision-making, how individuals interact within organizations and markets, and the determinants of aggregate economic, political, and social outcomes. The Lab promotes common initiatives in the field of behavioral and experimental economics, which requires the interaction and the collaboration among researchers of different areas of expertise and specialization.

The Lab conducts experiments with appropriate monetary and non-monetary incentives and under controlled conditions, so that the factors influencing human behavior can be identified and their effects can be measured. The Lab is hosted by the Department of Economics and Law.

If you want to participate in one of our paid decision-making experiments, please fill in the following form

Feel free to explore our site and learn about our researchers, projects, and facilities.

Experimental Economics

presented by Giuseppe Attanasi (in Italian)

2023 Summer School

Aftermovie of 2023 CIMEO Summer School in Experimetrics & Behavioral Economics


presented by Stefano Papa (in Italian)

Dipartimento di Economia e diritto

Via del Castro Laurenziano, 9, 00161, Roma, Italia