La Virgen Candelaria en Arequipa

Virgen de la Candalaria, Marian holy cards collection, ML.031 Box 27, circa 1675-2018. Marian Library, University of Dayton Libraries, Dayton, Ohio.




La Virgen de la Candelaria originated in Tenerife, the Canary Islands, where legend has it her image was found on Chimisay beach in 1392. While the devotion to her is deeply rooted in Spain, many other countries such as Perú, Bolivia, Mexico, and Chile honor her as well. In Perú, the parish of La Virgen de la Candelaria in Arequipa is very old and even predates the establishment of Perú as an independent nation.  The image itself was donated to the Jesuits by Juan Ramírez Casaos in 1598. Unfortunately, due to a volcanic eruption in 1600, the church had to be rebuilt.


On February 1, 1986, she was crowned by Pope Saint John Paul II, and a few weeks later on February 22 the shrine was declared a national shrine. Also called Little Mother of the Chapi, all the churches in Arequipa house an image of La Chiquita. There are many devotions ranging from festivals to several novenas that date back to the 1700s.  Her feast day in Perú is February 2, when her image is taken in procession up to the Cerro Huajsapata.



Researched by Jillian E. Foster

Popular Devotions

Virgen de la Candalaria, Marian holy cards collection,

ML.031 Box 27, circa 1675-2018. Marian Library,

University of Dayton Libraries, Dayton, Ohio.

Málaga Núñez Zeballos, Alejandro. Historia de la Virgen Candelaria en el Obispado de Arequipa. S. XVI-XX. Arequipa: Universidad Católica de Santa María, 2000.

Hail Mary

Dios te salve, María. 

Llena eres de gracia: El Señor es contigo. 

Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres. 

Y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre: Jesús. 

Santa María, Madre de Dios, 

ruega por nosotros pecadores, 

ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. 


All content is used with permission 

of the Marian Library at the 

University of Dayton.