La Inmaculada Virgen de la Puerta de Otuzco

La Inmaculada de la Puerta de Otuzco, Marian holy cards collection, ML.031 Box 27, circa 1675-2018. Marian Library, University of Dayton Libraries, Dayton, Ohio.




La Inmaculada Virgen de la Puerta is located in Otuzco, Perú.  During the 1600s, raids by pirates were common. At the time, there was a chapel dedicated to the Immaculate Conception in Otuzco. In 1664, when news came of nearby villages being attacked, the residents of Otuzco put an image of the Virgin of the Immaculate on the entrance to their village as a symbol of prayer and protection from piracy. Miraculously, they were not attacked and have since devoted themselves to La Inmaculada Virgen de la Puerta, or the Immaculate Virgin of the Door, to keep them from harm.


The statue itself is 25 centimeters tall and made of wood and plaster. It was sculpted in Venezuela, ordered by a family in Arequipa, and donated to the city of Otuzco. She is located just inside by the main doors of her home church. On her feast day of December 15th, the statue is dressed in a special garb and processed around the city. In 1943 on October 27th, La Inmaculada Virgen de la Puerta was crowned by the Archbishop at the 3rd National Eucharistic Conference of Perú in the city of In Trujillo.


She traveled many places on her way home, finally reaching her destination on December 8. There have been a number of visions, apparitions, and miracles attributed to La Inmaculada Virgen. One is dated back to 1940, when a woman named María Carillo was traveling when she started suffering severe pain in her throat. The doctor was doubtful of her recovery. María started praying a Novena to the Virgin, promising to devote herself to her. By December 15, the feast of the Virgin, María Carillo was completely cured.



Researched by Jillian E. Foster

Popular Devotions

Song by Pacífico Escobedo


Prayer Card:

La Inmaculada de la Puerta de Otuzco, Marian holy cards collection,

ML.031 Box 27, circa 1675-2018. Marian Library, University of

Dayton Libraries, Dayton, Ohio.

Hail Mary

Dios te salve, María. 

Llena eres de gracia: El Señor es contigo. 

Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres. 

Y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre: Jesús. 

Santa María, Madre de Dios, 

ruega por nosotros pecadores, 

ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. 


All content is used with permission 

of the Marian Library at the 

University of Dayton.