La Santísima Virgen en el misterio de sus dolores de Cajamarca

Vásquez Pereyra, Elsa. La dolorosa de Cajamarca. Lima: Impr. y Litografía Samamé, 1989.




While this particular image of Mary dates back to the XIII century in Europe, it was gifted to the Americas by Charles I/V in the 1500s. Today it is housed in the Church of St. Francis in Cajamarca, and over the centuries it has become quite famous.  In 1705, the image was brought to the abbot of the Franciscan convent, Fr. Martín de Iuzauraga, who was instantly cured of a mortal disease.  In 1749, a father and son by the last name of de Piédrola were on their way to the town of Asunción when one of the burros they were riding spooked and tossed the son over the edge of a precipice.  The father prayed to the Virgin de Cajamarca and watched as his son walked away from the incident without a scratch.


Natural miracles have been attributed to Our Lady of Cajamarca as well.  In the mid XIX century, there was a drought that was becoming deadly.  The townspeople got together in a procession with everyone praying the rosary begging Our Lady for her intercession.  Soon thereafter, the rains came and the drought was over.  The date of her feast day shifts every year, as it is held on Friday of Sorrows, the Friday preceding Palm Sunday.



Researched by Jillian E. Foster

Popular Devotions

Vásquez Pereyra, Elsa. La dolorosa de Cajamarca. Lima: Impr. y Litografía Samamé, 1989.

Hail Mary

Dios te salve, María. 

Llena eres de gracia: El Señor es contigo. 

Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres. 

Y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre: Jesús. 

Santa María, Madre de Dios, 

ruega por nosotros pecadores, 

ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. 


All content is used with permission 

of the Marian Library at the 

University of Dayton.