Our Lady of Navigators

Stella Maris, Marian holy cards collection, ML.031 Box 20, circa 1675 - 2018. Marian Library, University of Dayton Libraries, Dayton, Ohio.




The Marian image “Stella Maris” dates to the medieval ages when the crusaders travelled to Palestine to protect the pilgrims and the holy places from the “unfaithful.” Knowing the dangers these sailors were going to be facing and the uncertainties of the ocean, they would seek solace and protection praying to the Holy Virgin Mary under the name of Stella Maris, or “Star of the Sea.” Sailors thought that in answering their prayers, she would protect them and show them the way to their destination. The image of Our Lady of Navigators is also closely related to the representation of the Immaculate Conception of the Baroque era, an image of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception that was specially associated with the moon, the sky and the sea. 


In the XIIth century, Afonso Henriques, the emperor of what is known today as Portugal, consecrated this country to the Blessed Mother. Later during the Renaissance, the Holy Virgin Mary acquired a more dynamic role especially for the Spanish and Portuguese, who venerated her as Queen of the Seas. As Virgen de los Mareantes she was their protectress during their maritime crossings. It is uncertain when exactly she received the title of “Star of the Sea,” but they brought these devotions with them following the discovery of Brazil in April of 1500.


Similarly, the Queen of the Sea is associated with the guiding stars that show sailors the way. In syncretic Brazilian religions like Candomble, it became custom to associate Christian practices reserved for the Virgin Mary with African diasporic goddesses.  The most common of these images is Iemanja, goddess of the sea, who is portrayed as a pale skin woman with siren features.  February 2nd is Our Lady of Navigators’ feast day, which in fact coincides with Iemanja’s feast day.


Our Lady of Navigators is portrayed as the Blessed Mother carrying infant Jesus who is holding an anchor. A famous painting, “The Virgin of the Navigators,” by Spanish artist Alejo Fernández depicts the Holy Virgin Mary protecting the faithful under the folds of her mantel. The picture depicts the discovery of the Americas and among the explorers portrayed there we see Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, and even one of the Pinzón Brothers, all of whom appear kneeling in reverence to the Blessed Mother.



Popular Devotions

Her feast day is February 2nd, religious processions take place in costal cities.

“Por eso tú permaneces con los discípulos como madre suya, como Madre de la esperanza. Santa María, Madre de Dios, Madre nuestra, enséñanos a creer, a esperar y a amar contigo. Indícanos el camino hacia el reino. Estrella del mar, brilla sobre nosotros y guíanos en nuestro camino”.

Nuestra Señora de los Navegantes, ¡ruega por nosotros!

Hail Mary

Ave-Maria, cheia de graça, o Senhor é convosco, bendita sois 

vós entre as mulheres a bendito é o fruto do vosso ventre, Jesus. 

Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus, rogai por nós, pecadores, 

agora e na hora da nossa morte.


All content is used with permission 

of the Marian Library at the 

University of Dayton.