Features and Options

For details, or to have features configured on your phone, contact Jason (8081). Kelly is the backup for phone issues (8086).

  • Availability States
    • The phones have multiple availability settings, including "In a Meeting" and "Out of Office" and "Vacation." Aside from preventing your phone from ringing at inappropriate times, these options can be programmed to do additional tasks. For example, if your phone is set to "Out of Office," it can be set up to automatically forward calls to your cell phone.
    • Our phones are able to sync with Outlook, automatically putting your phone in "In a Meeting" status based on the contents of your Outlook calendar, if used. Because it created a great deal of confusion, this feature has been universally disabled for the District. If you specifically want this option, it can be enabled on an individual basis. Submit a Help Desk ticket to enable it.
  • Extension Monitoring
    • Do you share a space or share tasks? The buttons along the left and right sides of the phone screen can be programmed to track additional extensions. In shared rooms, most phones are set so each teacher has their own button. Coworkers who share tasks can have button to monitor each other's line. A line additional to your own can be set to the side buttons, and you can answer those calls from your phone.
  • Hold
    • To place a call on hold, simply press the Hold button. To take the call off hold, press Hold again.
  • Nuisance Calls
    • The District intermittently experiences problems with nuisance calls. If this happens to you, you may report the issue and the number will be blocked. Submit a Help Desk ticket with the offending number, or email Jason.
  • Recording
    • Our phone system has the ability to record calls, but it requires a special setup. If you have a special need to record calls, you can submit a Help Desk ticket for the request, along with a reason why it is necessary. BY LAW, you must notify someone if you are recording them.
  • Redial / Call Back
    • Our phones maintain a history of the calls placed and received. If you need to redial a previous number, whether incoming or outgoing, simply press the History button. You will see the list of calls. Scroll up or down until you find the desired number or person, and press Dial or OK (in the middle of the scroll wheel).
  • Ringtones
    • Your phone can have an individual ringtone to differentiate it from your neighbour. You can self-select by pressing Options. Scroll down to Ringtone. There is a list to choose from.