Topic 2 Contes du Pacifique Sud (12)

Learning Objectives

In this unit you will learn how to

  • read and understand myths and legends written by French-speaking people about the Melanesian and Polynesian cultures

  • analyse how to recount a short story, myth or legend

  • discuss the cultural implications and philosophical meaning behind the myths or legends

  • retell a myth or legend in your own words

  • give opinions about these stories

  • compare these stories with those of the Maori or European cultures

  • write your own creative myth or legend


In this unit we will focus on the following grammar structures:


French Passé Simple - video explanation

Complete French Grammar - p131-5

  • PERFECT OR PASSÉ COMPOSÉ TENSE - The Perfect Tense, Using the Perfect and Imperfect

cavilam - les verbes au passé composé

cavilam - passé composé v imparfait

Complete French Grammar p55-63


cavilam - les verbes au plus-que-parfait

Complete French Grammar p81-3


Complete French Grammar p118-120 The Perfect Infinitive

Assessment Tasks

AS 91120 (2.2 Spoken Presentation)

Retelling a myth or legend

Task sheet

La Légende de Téâ Kanaké

  • Read this Melanesian legend about the origins of mankind. Look up the underlined vocab and any other vocab you do not understand and make a list

  • Do the Quiz on Edmodo on this legend, matching definitions with the new vocab

  • Go to Language Perfect (Year 12) to work on the vocab

  • In groups, draw up a story board using pictures of the events in this legend and writing one or two key words below each picture in French. You are going to use this to help you retell the story, so try to make it quite detailed

  • Dictate a paragraph of the legend to your partner. Check your spelling afterwards

  • Use the sentence starters to help you retell the story in your own words

  • Fill in the gaps as you listen to the story

  • Write the legend in your own words

Le héron et le petit coquillage

  • Read the story of the heron and the little shellfish

  • Go to Language Perfect to work on the vocab

  • Summarise the story in English

  • Retell the story using these sentence starters

  • To compare this Melanesian story with one of Aesop's Fables, read Le Lièvre et la Tortue. What do the two stories have in common?

  • Now watch the bible story of David et Goliath. Discuss how the three stories all have a common theme. Why do you think so many cultures, across so many years of history, have thought this message was so important to pass down to succeeding generations? How does it apply in your life?

Le Pont de la Lune

  • Read the story of the tribe who tried to catch the moon

  • Go to Language Perfect to work on the vocab

  • Answer these comprehension questions about this legend

  • Discuss in groups what significance the advice given at the end has for us in today's world. In what contexts would this advice be very important today?

  • Try to write the story in your own words

Légendes de Tahiti

    • In pairs read the six booklets in the collection 'Contes et légendes Maohi

    • For each story, do the accompanying worksheet

  1. La Légende du Cocotier

  2. La Légende du Dieu de l'Océan

  3. La Légende de la Danse de l'Oiseau

  4. La Légende des Vagues

  5. La Légende des 3 Cascades

  6. La Légende du Poisson Tahiti