Quel âge as-tu?

Learning Objectives

In this unit you will learn how to

    • count to 21

    • ask how old someone is

    • say how old you are


February is the month for pancakes. Find out about this tradition known as 'La Chandeleur'.


Take part in a team competition doing simple maths sums in French!

Tu as quel âge?

  1. Study the numbers 0-21 in French, both how they sound and how they are written

  1. Use Quizlet to help you learn the numbers

  2. Accès Studio p6-7 Ex 1 Listen and repeat the numbers, Ex 2 Listen and write the number, Ex 3 Game, Ex 4 Lotto, Ex 5 Who is it?, Ex 6 Sums, Ex 7 Missing number, Ex 8 Read chatroom postings and fill in table, Ex 9 Write a post

  3. French to Go p14-16 Ex 1-5 Number puzzles (note - they go up to 31)

  4. Listen to and sing a song about numbers by Alain Le Lait

  5. Go to Linguascope - Beginners - Les Nombres to learn the numbers 1-10

  6. Click here to have some fun with number games using www.atantot.com.

  7. Watch the DVD Oui - 5 Quel âge as-tu?

  8. Study the verb Avoir. Then do a Quizlet exercise to practise the conjugation

  9. Click here to listen to Étienne's version of learning the verb AVOIR. (Your teacher has the full version of the song)

  10. To help you learn AVOIR sing to the tune of Frère Jacques - j'ai, tu as, j'ai, tu as, il-elle a, il-elle a, nous avons, vous avez, nous avons, vous avez, ils-elles ont

  11. Listen to these conversations of people asking and giving age and reply to the questions from bonjourdefrance.com