Topic 6 Projets du Futur (12)

Learning Objectives

In this unit you will learn how to

    • express hopes, plans and expectations for the future

    • describe characteristics, strengths and skills you have and which career they suit you for

    • write a formal letter of application for a job in France

    • discuss your plans for Christmas, New Year and the summer holidays

    • communicate about a gap year and your future career path

    • predict what your classmates will be doing in ten year's time

    • discuss future travel plans


In this unit we will focus on the following grammar structures


languagesonline - AS resources

Practice in French Grammar

p107-8 Direct Object Pronouns

p109-11 Indirect Object Pronouns

p113-6 Word Order with Pronouns

p117-8 Emphatic Pronouns

p123-4 Possessive Pronouns

Complete French Grammar

p167-170 Direct Object Pronouns

p170-173 Indirect Object Pronouns

p173-5 y and en

p176-8 Word Order with Pronouns

p178-182 Emphatic Pronouns


Practice in French Grammar p74 à or de?



Practice in French Grammar

p66-8 Future tense

p68-9 Quand + Future tense

p69 Si + Present tense

p70 Future Perfect tense

Complete French Grammar

p88-91 Conditional tense


Complete French Grammar

p202 Qui, p203 Que, p205 Lequel, p206 Où, p207 Dont, p209 Ce qui, ce que

Assessment Tasks

AS91122 (2.5 Writing)

Blog about future career choice

Task sheet

AS 91119 (2.3 Interact)

Summer holidays

Task sheet

Mes études futures

  • Jot down the subjects you have chosen for next year, or the subjects you would like to continue with at tertiary level (if you are leaving school next year). Write down a reason for wanting to do those subjects. Share with a partner orally and then with the whole class

  • Brainstorm together reasons for wanting to continue with certain subjects. Use Language Perfect to help learn this vocab

Mon futur métier

  • Think about the characteristics and qualities you would need in order to do the job you would eventually like to do

  • Jot down as many adjectives as you can to describe yourself next to the letters of the alphabet - eg) A - adroit (skilfull), B - bruyant, C - curieux etc. Compare with others in your group, trying to guess what each person has written about him or herself

  • Tapis Volant 2 p117 Listening Et plus tard? Workbook p159 Ex 1. Note down key vocab which will be helpful to you to do the writing and interact tasks

  • Tapis Volant 2 p118 Reading. Workbook p159 Ex 2 Fill in the grid in French about these 4 students' future plans

  • Tapis Volant 2 Workbook p160-1 Listening Ex 3 Quel Travail? Ex 4 Qu'est-ce quils veulent faire dans la vie?

  • Tapis Volant 2 p119-121 Parler des ambitions - note key vocab. P120 Ex 1 Work in pairs to discuss what qualities are needed for various professions (BLM 12.1). Then work in groups to discuss your future intentions (BLM 12.2)

  • Tapis Volant 2 Workbook p172-3 Ex 21 Listening - Des conseils professionnels

  • Tapis Volant 2 Test d'Écoute 12 Ex 1-3. Test de Lecture

  • Practice in French Grammar p64-5 Roleplay

Poser sa candidature

  • Envol p66 Comment trouver un job d'été en France? Scan advertisements for summer jobs and do Listening Ex 1 and 2

  • Envol p67 Scan these job advertisements and look for the answers to Ex 3

  • Envol p68 Listening Ex 1 - find the phrases in French from the phone call regarding a job as a dishwasher at a hotel; Listening Ex 3 - find the answers to the questions regarding another position available

  • Envol p69 Study the CV and letter of application and fill in the blanks in the letter

  • Ça y est p94-5 Use Cécile's CV to write a letter of application for a job as a summer camp leader

  • Ça y est p98-9 Scan the 'Offres d'emploi'

C'est bientôt les grandes vacances!

  • Brainstorm in groups how the French celebrate Christmas and New Year

  • Listen to this report on how the French celebrate Christmas

  • Listen to two French language assistants discussing how they celebrate Christmas in France and then answer this quiz

  • Petit Papa Noël - France's traditional Christmas carol sung by Céline Dion. Mon Beau Sapin - (Oh Christmas Tree)

  • Read this text (A2) and this one (A1) about Christmas in France from bonjourdefrance and answer the questions which follow

  • Listen to this report on how the French celebrate New Year - Le Nouvel An

  • Discuss and compare traditions in France and New Zealand

  • Listen to this report about how the French celebrate their summer holidays

  • Listen to this conversation on France Bienvenue "Grandes Vacances, Grands Voyages" and follow the transcript if you need to

  • Also listen to this conversation on France Bienvenue "Des Vacances très attendues"

  • Review the Future and Conditional Tenses, then talk about your ideal summer holiday. What would you love to do?

Mes projets de voyage

  • Read this posting on LingQ Forum and summarise what Mark wants to find out from the readers

  • Listen to this podcast about plans to study in France and try to fill in the gaps in this text (podcast français facile)

  • Thinking about a gap year? Check out this site for information

Le Menu de Noël

Hors d'Oeuvre: des toasts avec du foie gras / du caviar / des oeufs de lymphe

Entrée: des huîtres / des crevettes / des langoustines / des escargots

Plat Principal: de la dinde aux marrons / de l'oie / du canard / du poulet'

Dessert: la bûche de Noël / la bûche glacée