TOPIC 3 Ma Famille

Learning Objectives

In this unit you will learn how to

  • Communicate about family members

  • Give details about your family

  • Describe yourself physically and your personality

  • Describe the physical appearance and personality of others

  • Compare family structures in New Zealand to those in France


Find out about the French family unit and how important family values are in France

La Fête Nationale - le 14 juillet - Watch this explanation of how France comes to celebrate it's national day on 14 July. Listen to the French national anthem


Make a photo album to show a French host family the members of your family and where you live. For each picture there should be a sentence written in French below it. You can choose your own format for presenting this album, either digital or a real album to take with you.

Qui sont les membres de ta famille? Who are your family members?

Famille moderne
Famille royale

Comment es-tu de caractère? What sort of character are you?

10 adjectifs
Acrostic Poem
End Activity Bitstrips

Giving details about family members

  1. To ask whether a person has brothers or sisters you say: Tu as des frères ou des soeurs?

  2. Use this vocabulary to learn the names of the member of the family

  3. Go to Linguascope - Beginner (Les Membres de ma Famille) in the green section and work through the exercises and games

  4. Use Quizlet to help your spell the names of family members

  5. Go to atantot to practise talking about yourself and your family

  6. To give the names of your family members you need to be very familar with the verb S'APPELER. Study how to form it here

    1. To say "I have a brother whose name is ..." you say "J'ai un frère qui s'appelle ...", but to say 'I have 2 brothers whose names are ... and ..." you say "J'ai deux frères qui s'appellent ... et ..."

    2. Go to atantot to practise giving names of family members

    3. Work in pairs to give the names of people in your family

    4. French to Go 1 p29 - make sure you know this vocabulary and notice how to form the PLURAL. Ex 1 jumbled letters p30

  1. Review the verb AVOIR with this song by Étienne. This is useful for saying what family members you have and also for saying how old they are

    1. French to Go 1 p30 Ex 2 Complete the sentences using the correct form of AVOIR

    2. Accès Studio p20 Ex 4 Listen and write down how old Tristan's family members are

    3. Revise numbers 20-100

    4. Write a paragraph about the people in your family and how old each person is

    5. French to Go 1 p31 Study how to use the NEGATIVE. Ex 3 Use the pictures to help you write sentences about family, using the negative form as well

    6. Work on this translation exercise

  2. French to Go p32 Ex 5 Write sentences to give the age of family members

  3. French to Go 1 p31-2 Study how to say MY and YOUR

  4. Go to atantot to learn how to use these POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES correctly

  5. French to Go p32 Ex 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of my or your.

  6. Listen to the song by Étienne called Mon, Ma, Mes. Lyrics

  7. Accès Studio p20 - Listening Exercises 1 and 3. Learn how to pronounce the è correctly by listening to Ex 5 and repeating the sounds

  8. Accès Studio p21 Ex 6 Read the sentences and match them to the pictures

  9. Accès Studio p21 Ex 7 and Ex 9 - writing exercises to help prepare you for the task of preparing a family photo album

  10. Go to languagesonline and work through ex 1-11 in Unité 3

Speaking Task

Click here for the summative speaking task for Term 2. The results of this assessment will go on your mid-year reports.

Describing Family Members

Physical descriptions


  1. Learn the colours with this video. Vocab

  2. Go to Linguascope - Moi et ma famille - LES COULEURS - to learn the colours in French

  3. Go to atantot KS3 LES COULEURS and work through the activities starting from Les Couleurs, Chanson, Quiz, Les Jeux and then try some on the next page like Les Ballons, Les Bonbons, Half a Minute

  4. Use the worksheet from Linguascope which your teacher will give you to colour in, do the wordfind and puzzles

  5. Listen to the song Les Couleurs de Super Mini

  6. Accès Studio p16 Listening Ex 1, Group work Ex 2 Guess the colours, Listening Ex 3

  7. WORD ORDER WITH ADJECTIVES and ADJECTIVE AGREEMENT - Click here to read about how adjectives are used in French

  8. Accès Studio p17 - p31 Ex 3 p31 Ex 4, p17 Ex 5 Odd one out, Ex 6 Colour mixtures, Ex 7 Adjective agreement

Eyes and Hair

  1. Now you are ready to describe eyes and hair. Vocab sheet

  2. Go to Linguascope (Moi et ma famille - DESCRIPTION DU VISAGE - Describing the face) and work through the activities

  3. Go to atantot KS3 LES DESCRIPTIONS and work though the activities for Le Visage

  4. Sing along with Alain le Lait - Couleurs - Arc-en-ciel

  5. Look at Slides 1-20 in this presentation to help you learn how to describe your hair and eyes

  6. Practise your understanding of this new language by completing this reading and writing task

  7. French to Go 1 p54 Ex 1 Draw what these people look like in your exercise book after reading the descriptions, p55-6 Ex 3 Unjumble the letters to find the expressions

  8. Write a description of yourself in French, giving as many details as you can

  9. DESCRIBING OTHERS - When you describe another person you switch from j'ai to il or elle a to describe hair and eyes. French to Go p56 Ex 4 Draw in your exercise book and then complete the sentences

  10. Studio 1 p14 Ex 1 Listening, Ex 2 Pairwork - guessing who a person is

  11. Write a description of someone else in the class on a piece of paper. Shuffle and redistribute the pieces of paper. Read out the one you get in groups of 4 and try to guess together who it could be

  12. Studio 1 p15 Ex 6 Write a description about other people in your family

  13. Try this writing task for extension work

  14. GUESS WHO? Board games - play this game in French. Here is some vocab to help

Size, Shape, other adjectives

    1. Go to Linguascope (Moi et ma famille - DESCRIPTIONS PHYSIQUES - Physical description) and work through the activities

    2. Go to atantot KS3 LES DESCRIPTIONS - Le Corps (the body) and work through the activities

    3. J'AI OR JE SUIS? Use this exercise from atantot KS3 LES DESCRIPTIONS - J'ai ou je suis? to help you sort out when to use each verb

    4. Look at Slides 21-50 in this presentation to help you learn how to describe other people

    5. Studio 1 p17 Ex 5 Read about this singer and fill in the missing words to describe her

    6. Read about some French cinema, music or sporting stars. Choose one who interests you and translate what is written about him or her

Character descriptions

  1. To describe what people ARE like, you first need to learn some adjectives to describe personality. Vocab sheet

  2. Use Linguascope (Moi et ma famille) - LES TRAITS DE PERSONNALITÉ (personality traits) and work through the activities

  3. Go to atantot KS3 LES DESCRIPTIONS - Venn - to practise adjective agreements when describing personality

  4. Fill in a description of a rock star using atantot KS3 LES DESCRIPTIONS Décrivez (Describe)

  5. French To Go p57-58 Ex 1 Unjumble the adjectives to describe personality, p59 Ex 4 Do the exercise on adjective agreement; p60 Crossword

  6. Studio 1 p12 Ex 1 & 2 Listening; p13 Ex 4 & 5 Reading, Ex 6 Writing

  7. Studio 1 p15 Ex 5 Read the blog and complete the table

  8. Go to atantot KS3 LES DESCRIPTIONS Lisez (Read) and do this reading comprehension task