TOPIC 3 Où j'habite

Learning Objectives

In this unit you will learn how to

    • ask others where they live

    • say what sort of house you live in and where it is located

    • say where someone else lives

    • ask what nationality people are

    • give your nationality

    • say what country you live in

    • say what language you speak

    • give your address



Look at this map of French-speaking countries around the world

Watch this video to find out more about French-speaking countries around the world.


Find out about Easter traditions in France

Click here to read about traditions and here


In groups research where French is spoken throughout the world.

Make a presentation in Padlet using maps, photos and captions written in French to describe where 10 French-speaking students live. Click here for the task sheet.

Follow this link to do some interactive activities

Click here to do an Easter Quiz

1st MAY

This is a public holiday in France (and in Europe). Find out why.

Où habites-tu? Où habitez-vous? (Countries)

Mademoiselle Lassaube (cliquez ici)

Quizlet set to study

Quelle langue parles-tu? (Languages)

    1. The language(s) you speak are the same word as the nationalities you have just been learning. So now all you need to do is learn the verb PARLER - to speak

  1. To ask a friend where he or she lives, you say: Où habites-tu?

  2. Many countries are FEMININE in French and therefore you say 'J'habite en ...' for all feminine countries. Some are MASCULINE and you say 'j'habite au ...' for all masculine countries. A few are considered as PLURAL and therefore you say 'j'habite aux ....' for all plural countries. Look at this presentation to learn more

  3. To say where you live, you say, j'habite à + your city

  4. Practise asking and responding to this question with your classmates using the circle game

  5. Study this map of FRANCE to talk about where French people live

  6. Interactive map to learn the names of countries in Europe

  7. Learn the names of countries in EUROPE using atantot. Click on l'Europe to work with the map

  8. Look at this presentation to help you learn the names of some countries in French. Look at this one too

  9. Use Linguascope to practise learning the names of countries

  10. But what about us? Nous habitons EN NOUVELLE-ZÉLANDE

  11. French to Go p23 Ex 2 and 3, p22 Ex 1, p24 Ex 4 and 5

Quelle est ta nationalité? (Nationalities)

  1. Study this vocab of how to ask for and give your nationality

  2. To talk about nationality you need to know the verb ÊTRE

  3. Sing along with Canadian singer Étienne (CD Chez Moi) to learn the verb être. Lyrics

  4. Or maybe you might prefer a Celtic version

  5. Look at this presentation about nationality and this one

  6. Go to Linguascope to learn the nationalities

  7. Go to Accès Studio p26 and do Ex 1 Listen and match up countires and nationalities. Ex 2 Listen to hear the difference between the MASCULINE AND FEMININE form of nationalities. Ex 4 Listen and fill in the table.

  8. Accès Studio p27 Ex 5 Copy and fill in the table. Ex 6 and 7 Reading comprehension

  9. French to Go p25 and p26 Ex 2 Matching exercise

  10. Work in groups to work out which nationality each of these famous people is

  11. Try this quiz about famous people's nationalites

  1. Use Quizlet to help you memorise the verb parler

  2. French to Go p27 Ex 1 Unjumble the letters to discover the languages. Ex 2 Use the visual clues to write which language each person speaks

  3. Ask the people in your class which languages they speak

You are now ready to do the task above on Padlet

Dans quel type de maison tu habites?

    1. Watch the DVD Oui () to discover the sorts of housing people in French-speaking countries live in

  1. Note down some differences you notice as you watch the DVD. How are their houses different to ours? Write a description of one of their houses

    1. Watch this slide presentation to learn about the different types of housing and where they are situated. Make a note of the new vocabulary

    2. Learn the verb HABITER off by heart

    3. Now use Quizlet to help you learn it

    4. Go to Accès Studio p22 and do the listening exercise 1 matching the picture to the statement you will hear

  2. Accès Studio p22 Ex 2 Listen to work out which numbers on the dice were thrown and then do Ex 3 in groups, throwing the dice and using the numbers as a code to say where you live. The others in your group have to note down the numbers and then read back where you live in full French sentences

  3. Accès Studio p22 Ex 4 Listen to whether people live in small (petit-e) or big (grand-e) places

  4. Accès Studio p22 Ex 5 Survey 4 other people in the class and write down their answers about where they live

  5. Accès Studio p23 Ex 6 Throw the dice and use the numbers to write out where you live in French

  6. Go to atantot to practise listening to and reading about where people live

  7. Write about the sort of house you live in and where it is situated

Quelle est ton adresse?

  1. When giving your address in French, you say 'J'habite au numéro ... (put in the number of your house), rue .... (put in the name of your street)'

  2. To do this you will need to learn your numbers up to 100. Start with Linguascope - Les Dizaines (in the red panel) and work through the activities

  3. Click on this link to listen to the numbers and learn how to say them

  4. Ready to play? If you click on the headphones at the top left of this game you will hear a number. You then try to bombard the spaceships with the number you hear

  5. French To go p45 and p46.

  6. Here is a song from Youtube to help you learn the numbers to 100 and above

  7. Here is another song to help you remember how to give your address

La Francophonie

    1. There are many countries in the world which speak French. All of these countries belong to a group known as 'LA FRANCOPHONIE'. They could speak French as a first or second language. Do you know some of these countries? Look at this presentation to do a short quiz about where French is spoken in the world

    2. Listen to this song called Chanson Francophonie and notice how many different nationalities speak French

  1. Watch the DVD Oui (8) to find out where people come from. Focus on the question 'D'où viens-tu?' (Where are you from?) and the response 'Je viens de ...' (I'm from...)