TOPIC 2: Dans ma classe

Learning Objectives

  • to know the terms for the school materials you use and be able to say what there is/is not in your pencil case and school bag.

  • to know the terms for classroom objects and say what there is in the room

  • to understand classroom instructions


  • to learn about the differences between schooling in France and schooling in NZ


Qu'est-ce que tu as dans ton sac de cours? What do you have in your school bag?

Dans mon sac pictures

Click your class picture to write a description of the content of your school bag.

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ta salle de classe? What is there in your classroom?

Pictures - Objets de la Salle de Classe

Qu'est-ce que le/la prof dit? What is the teacher saying?

Quizlet set to study