TOPIC 6 Météo - Sports

Learning Objectives

In this unit you will learn how to

    • communicate about the weather and temperature

    • communicate about sport and lesiure activities

    • say what you do when the weather is ...

    • say how often you do sport and leisure activities

    • talk about musical interests

    • take part in a board game, card game or pétanque game in French


Find out about France's sporting heroes. Click here

Listen to some popular songs in French

See what is on TV in France


Create a presentation showing what you enjoy doing in your leisure time with captions in French giving detail about when, where, with whom and your opinion of these activities.

How to revise for your exam:

How to Revise

Quel temps fait-il? / What is the weather like?

    1. Learn how to describe what the weather is like by working through these exercises on Linguascope (Mon Environnement - La Météo) and studying this vocabulary list from French To Go page 74

2. Accès Studio p28 Presentation. Listening Ex 1 - match the statements you hear with the visuals of the weather

3. Practise saying the weather expressions with atantô (KS2 Les Dates - La Météo)

4. Read this poem called 'Il Pleut' by Jacques Prévert, an important 20th century French poet

5. Sing along with Alain Le Lait and his song 'Parapluie' about the weath

6. Quizlet - now it is your turn to match up the words, spell them correctly and test yourself

7. French to Go 1 p74 Ex 1

Quel temps fait-il à ... / What is the weather like in ...?

  1. Make predictions: predict what the weather is going to be like in Papakura over the next seven days.

2. Accès Studio p28 Listening Exercise 2. Look at the map of France and decide whether the statements are true or false. Exercise 3 - work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the weather in various cities in France.

3. Points of the compass - study the vocab below and try to use it to say what the weather is like in France on the map on p28. Note: dans = in

4. Use maps you will be given in class to draw weather symbols for various areas of France

5. Accès Studio p29 Ex 7 Read the weather forecast and answer the questions in English.

Tu joues à quoi comme sport? / What sport do you play?

    1. A lot of the sports are the same in French as in English, so they are easy to learn. Just focus on the pronunciation and whether they are le, la or les. Click here for key vocab of sports

    2. Accès Studio p14 Presentation of new vocab

    3. Linguascope - Les Loisirs - Les Sports d'intérieur and Les Sports d'extérieur

    4. Pictionary in groups - draw and guess which sports are presented

    5. Mime sports and guess what your partner is miming

    6. French to Go 1 p65 Vocab

    7. Accès Studio p14 Listening Ex 1 - what activities do they like? Match the pictures with the statements you hear. Listening Ex 2 - write the activity and people's opinions of them. Ex 3 - discuss your likes and dislikes of various sports. Listening Ex 4 - note down details about sports and why people like or dislike them

    8. Accès Studio p15 Ex 5-7 Reading comprehension about people's opinions of various sports

    9. French to Go 1 p68-70 - Write about likes and dislikes of activities

    10. Guess what sports 5 of your classmates like or dislike. Write their names and what you think - eg) Peter aime le rugby. Then go and ask each one 'Tu aimes (le rugby)?' Find out if what you have written was correct

    11. Study this presentation of likes and dislikes and do the exercises on each slide

    12. When you talk about the sports you play you need to use the verb JOUER (to play). You need to memorise this verb by heart. Use this song to help

    1. Studio 1 p52 - Presentation - jouer au / à la / à l' / aux. When using jouer you need to follow the verb with the correct article. Learn them as you talk about each sport. Listening Ex 1 - Fill in the gaps in the text. Ex 2 - Survey 5 people in the class about the sports they play. Ex 3 Write up the results of this survey

    2. Studio 1 p53 Listening Ex 4 - Listen to people talking about their favourite sportsmen and women (mon sportif préféré / ma sportive préférée). Ex 5 Reading comprehension - use the passage you have just been listening to to answer questions about French sportspeople. Ex 6 Write about one of the sports you play and your sporting heroes

    3. Some sports you DO rather than PLAY. To talk about these sports you need to use the verb FAIRE (to do). You need to memorise this verb by heart as well. Use this presentation to help

    1. Studio 1 p54 Presentation - faire du / de la / de l' / des. When using faire you need to follow the verb with the correct article. Learn then as you talk about each sport you do. Reading Ex 1 - Match the phrases with the pictures. Listening Ex 2

    2. French to Go 1 p70-72 Ex 1-2 Practise using the correct articles with each sport

    3. Now try this exercise deciding between jouer à and faire du

Quand? When? / How often?

  1. Study the vocab for saying when and how often you do various activities

  2. Quizlet - Practise these expressions of frequency of time

  3. French to Go 1 p73 Ex 4 Writing about how often people do various sports

  4. Reading comprehension - Read these sentences and answer the questions which follow

  5. Write an email to a French e-pal telling him or her about the sports you play and how often you do them

Quand il fait ... / When the weather is ...

  1. Now we can talk about what we do when the weather is ... Studio 1 p54 Ex 3 Listening - fill in the table of activities people do when the weather is ... Ex 4 - speaking task in pairs. Ask and tell your partner what you do when the weather is ...

  2. Studio 1 p55 Ex 6-7 Listen to the song and fill in the gaps in French

  3. Go to atantôt to practise using 'when' with weather expressions and activities

  4. French to Go 1 p75 Ex 2 - Write about what people do when the weather is ...

Examination Speaking Task

Click here for your task sheet and instructions

Use this video to help you ask and answer questions

Quel est ton passe-temps préféré? / What is your favourite pastime?

  1. Not sporty? What do you like to do in your free time? Work on some new expressions using languagesonline. Go to Encore Tricolore 1 Unit 6 Ex 20

  2. Extend your vocab with Linguascope - Les Loisirs - Mes Passe-temps (my pastimes)

  3. Using ER verbs. If you want to ask questions about other people's hobbies or talk about what they get up to, you need to master the verb endings for -ER verbs. -- Click here for further explanation

- Click on the verb to get further practice: Regarder (To watch)- Danser (To dance)- Jouer (To play)

- Sing along with Étienne and his song 'Mots d'action en -ER'. Lyrics

4. Choose six students in the class, predict what their favourite pastime is & complete the sentence for them: "Son passe-temps préféré est ...".

5. Check your predictions by asking them "Quel est ton passe-temps préféré?"

6. Survey people in your class to find out what they like to do in their free time

A quoi on va jouer? What are we going to play?

1. Let's teach each other new games. Think about one or two traditional games you used to play on the playground. Share your game(s) with the rest of the class using the format given below.

Extension work: find the English names for these traditional French games.

A quoi on va jouer?

Tu joues d'un instrument de musique? / Do you play a musical instrument?

  1. Learn the names of the various musical instruments. Click here

  2. Linguascope - Les Loisirs - Les Instruments de musique

  3. Quizlet - Practise how to talk about playing instruments

  4. Unlike playing sport, when you talk about instruments you must remember to follow the verb with DU, DE LA, DE L' as shown on the picture

  5. Do a class survey to see who plays an instrument and then make a table to represent how many people play which instruments

  6. Maybe you don't play an instrument, but you probably like listening to music. Let's watch some French music videos portraying different music styles. Answer the survey as we go along.

8. Choose six students in the class, predict what their favourite music genre is & complete the sentence for them: "Son genre de musique favori est ...".

Check your predictions by asking them "Quel est ton genre de musique préféré?"

9. Look for a French artist. Read up about them and share your findings with the rest of the class using the format given below (LB) and put it onto a class wall in Padlet. Use this presentation to help you. (SP)

Les artistes Français

Reading Extension work

  1. Studio 1 p58 Listening and Reading Ex 1-2. Find out about Guillaume's sport and leisure interests

  2. Studio 1 p 58 Listening Ex 3 - Find out about Marie's pastimes

  3. Studio 1 p61 Reading Ex 3 - Read Nadia's letter and decide which statements are true

  4. Studio 1 p62-3 Reading Ex 1-4 - Read Maelys' blog about her interest in extreme sports and work through the comprehension exercises

Quelle est ta saison favorite? / What is your favourite season?

    1. Learn the names of the seasons in French with this Youtube presentation

2. To say what the weather is doing in each season use EN (in) + été, hiver, automne , but AU + printemps. Do a creative Google

Presentation about your favourite season, using some weather expressions you have learnt and some attractive visuals

3. Sing along with this song to help learn the seasons

4. Do a quick survey with your classmates about their favourite season - Quelle est ta saison favorite? (What is your favourite season) What is the most popular season for the whole class?