Issues Log

This page allows you to log an issue or to see what issues are currently logged. This gives us a central place to sort out such issues. The issues won't turn up immediately on this page. Instead, the issues are sent to the netbook support team (Nevyn) to sort through.

The solution may be an updated package (so changes are made automatically) or documentation for manual steps needed.

Log an issue


I can't install software anymore.


Sometimes the packaging system breaks. Fixing it is fairly simple.

    1. Press F2. The "run dialog" pops up.

    2. Type in: gksudo apt-get -f install

    3. Check the "Run in terminal" check box.

    4. Click on "Run"

Once it finishes, you should be able to install software again.


What do I do when an application has crashed?


Funnily enough, Linux doesn't really have the task manager that Windows and Apple have. Or rather, not the GUI for it.

However, I have found an application that might just do the trick. However, I'm not especially happy with the interface to this application and so I am not rolling out this package until after I've had a chance to fix some of the problems with it. -Nevyn