Logins & Passwords

Network/Internet Logins & Passwords

There are two main user groups at Pt England School; Teachers and Students.

Please read this carefully, and ask for help from the Digital Learning team if not sure.


You will note that the group is teachers, not staff. It is essential that we all maintain the integrity of our network and internet access by being very careful with the passwords. Our teacher access codes are only given to full-time teachers.

  • Please do not give them to anyone else (eg Teacher’s Aides, Relievers, student teachers). And of course DO NOT let children become aware of them. Unfortunately we have a variety of logins and passwords because as our IT capability has grown, so has the need for security.

  • LineWize manage our Filtering which require very few password entries. We allow a lot of open access to the internet, but we do block a few sites such as FaceBook.

  • Never check “save my name and password” on the dialogue boxes that appear.


Most staff email addresses follow the format of fist initial and surname @ptengland.school.nz eg jsmith@ptengland.school.z

You password is private to you. It can be changed by asking Russell or Dorothy.

Your email address and login gets you into all of the Google Apps for Education as is explained in a separate page