
Team Seas

Popular YouTubers are using their platforms to get donations to Team Seas. Team Seas is a campaign that is taking donations. They are trying to raise 30 million dollars to take 30 million pounds of trash out of the ocean. This campaign was started by YouTubers, Mr. Beast, and Mark Rober to raise awareness about how much trash is in the ocean and the little things we can do to help it get out of the ocean. They say that there are estimated to be 200 million pounds of plastic in the sea due to pollution. Soon our earth will go through a crisis if no one stands up to fix this situation.

This campaign is a follow-up to a previously very successful campaign, Team Trees, that raised 20 million dollars before 2020. If people donate just $1 to the campaign then 1 pound of trash will be removed from the ocean. Many YouTubers are helping by spreading awareness on their platforms. Team Seas is working with The Ocean Cleanup using trash collecting technology. They are trying to raise 30 million dollars by the end of the year and are asking many YouTubers with a large following to help support by uploading a video on the topic.They are also asking everyone to donate what they can. If you cannot donate, then please spread awareness about Team Seas with others. Everything that happens in the ocean affects all of us.

By: Rachel Boakye

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