PSU Information for Proposals

Applications often require specific names, addresses, identification numbers, codes, etc. The most commonly requested information is listed below.

Legal Applicant

Portland State University

PO Box 751 (SPA)

Portland, Oregon 97207-0751

Physical Address

1600 SW 4th Avenue

Portland, OR 97201

Type of Organization

Public, Non-Profit, Educational

PSU Research Classification: R2 

The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education

Identification/Entity Numbers

SAM Registration Expires: January 17, 2025

CAGE Code: 2K008

Carnegie Classification: Doctoral/Research-Intensive

Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): H4CAHK2RD945

DUNS Entity Number: 05-222-6800

NAICS Code: 611310

Institution Profile File Number (NIH): 6297008

IRS ID Number (Tax/Employer ID): 36-4776757

DHHS Entity Identification Number: 1364776757A1

State Tax ID: 505890-1

Congressional District: OR-001 (effective 1/3/2023)

Facilities & Administration (F&A) Rate Agreement

PSU F&A Rate Agreement Effective: July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026

Tax Exempt Status

Tax Exemption Letter


Assurance Numbers

Animal Care & Use

USDA Customer Number: 1050

OLAW Assurance Number: D16-00520 (A3903-01)

Human Subjects

Federalwide Assurance Number: FWA00000091

Proposal Budget Development Rate Sheet 

Proposal Budget Development Rate Sheet (September 2022)

Facilities, Equipment & Other Resources

Facilities, Equipment & Other Resources (November 2017)

Authorizing Institution Officials

Jennifer Ward, Director of Sponsored Projects Operations

Sponsored Projects Administration

Portland State University

PO Box 751 (SPA)

Portland, OR 97207-0751


Phone: 503-725-9900

Fax (use only if required): 503-725-8170

Rachelle Richmond, Assistant Director of Grants & Agreements Administration

Sponsored Projects Administration

Portland State University

PO Box 751 (SPA)

Portland, OR 97207-0751


Phone: 503-725-9900

Fax (use only if required): 503-725-8170

Contact for Fiscal Matters (including Payments)

Anisa Chisti, Finance & Compliance Manager

Portland State University

Sponsored Projects Administration

PO Box 751 (SPA)

Portland, Oregon 97207-0751

For all inquiries regarding payment to PSU, please contact

Cognizant Agency Contact

Douglas Molina

Dept. of Health & Human Services (DHHS), Region IX 

90 Seventh Street

Federal Building, Suite 5-100

San Francisco, CA 94103

Phone: 212-264-2069

Single Audit Reports

PSU Single Audit Report - Fiscal Year 2023

PSU Single Audit Report - Fiscal Year 2022

PSU Audited Financial Statements

2023 Annual Financial Report