PSU Proposal Review and Approval

Process for Securing Approvals

The Proposal Internal Approval Form (PIAF) is a tool to document PSU's approval of the proposed project and documentation of institutional commitments.

The following documents should be routed with the PIAF for approval:

  • Project narrative: draft version is acceptable until final version is available, however a final version must be filed with SPA within one week of submission to the sponsor. SPA must have a copy of the full proposal in order to process the award or any pre-award spending requests.

  • Detailed budget: this may necessitate two different budgets if the sponsor does not require a detailed budget

  • Budget justification

  • All sponsor required forms, assurances and certifications (check with sponsor guidelines for requirements)

  • Cost sharing budget, if cost sharing is required by the sponsor

  • Subrecipient Commitment Form(s), if applicable

Roles and Responsibilities of Reviewers

A completed PIAF must be received by SPA prior to submitting proposal to sponsor with the following signatures:

Principal Investigator and co-Investigator(s) - Signature confirms acceptance of responsibility for the scope of the scientific and technical effort, willingness to prepare any required technical reports, and the management of the resulting award in compliance with sponsor regulations and the University's policies and procedures

Chair/Director - The proposal is reviewed and signed by the department chairperson (or center director) for all PIs and Co-PIs to indicate approval of department/unit compatibility, budget, and other commitments or use of facilities.

Dean - The proposal is reviewed and signed by the dean for all PIs and Co-PIs to indicate approval of consistency with college/unit goals, budget, and other commitments of use of facilities

SPA Review and Approval

SPA staff reviews proposal for conformance to university policy, state or federal regulation, budget and fiscal compliance, sponsor certifications and assurances, adherence to regulatory and safety compliance, and potential conflicts of interest.

SPA provides final budget approval and institutional authorizing signatures.

After all approvals have been secured, SPA either:

    • submits proposal to the sponsor through the appropriate electronic system (such as or FastLane)

    • notifies PI of approval for release of the proposal to the external sponsor