Budget Development

Cost considerations are critical throughout the life cycle of a grant. It is imperative to the successful implementation of a project that proposal budgets are developed in compliance with sponsor and PSU requirements and with adequate calculations to ensure sufficient funding to carry out the project.

Practical Considerations: Helping the PI understand the costing requirements for certain types of expenses and how transactions are processed at PSU enables the PI to more quickly and efficiently incur expenses for their projects and minimizes frustration from unrealistic expectations regarding their ability to incur certain types of expenses.

Adherence to the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) as required by 2 CFR 200 begins with the proposal budget which requires consistency in estimating, accumulating and reporting costs.

The fact that a cost requested in a budget is awarded, as requested, does not ensure a determination of allowability. The organization is responsible for presenting costs consistently and must not include costs associated with their F&A rate as direct costs.

        - NIH Grants Policy Statement

Cost Categories

It is important that costs are listed in the agencies’ budget categories according to the agencies’ definition of the category – not PSU or PI’s definition of that category.   

General Budget Categories

Practical Considerations

Adherence to CAS

Personnel (Salaries & Wages)

A basic understanding of PSU's employment policies and how 

various types of work are classified 

at PSU helps to:

Fringe Benefits 

Fringe rates/calculations should be consistently applied to the appropriate salary/wage classification across grant 




Are the costs based on PSU travel requirements? 


Is general purpose minor office equipment appropriate (printers, laptops, etc.) as a direct charge according to CAS and agency policy?

Materials & Supplies  

Are general purpose office supplies appropriate according to CAS? 

Participant Support 

 in the form of stipends, scholarships, travel, reimbursement for supplies

Participant support transactions must be accounted for as participant support using appropriate PSU account codes.

Click here for participant support form. 


Research Subject Incentives   

Needs to be specifically identified in the proposal budget 


Needs to be specifically described in the proposal budget 

High Performance Research Computing 


Basic phone line charges are typically considered to be indirect costs and should require justification as a direct charge 

F&A (Indirect)