Short Story Writing

For UP TO 15 points, you can write a short story (fiction)!

Here's what you need to accomplish:

  • Length: 3-5 pages (or more, if you want!) double-spaced in size 12 Arial font. At the top of the first page, include your first and last name, the date, and the title of your story.

  • Must be word-processed, with indented paragraphs, correct spelling, and punctuation.

  • Dialogue is correctly formatted (see Google doc below).

  • Plot has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

  • All writing is SCHOOL APPROPRIATE. (If swears are used in dialogue, use the first letter and then asterisks, like s***).

  • Character Development is used.

When you've written a rough draft, GET HELP editing it for correctness (other classmates, Ms. O, Angie).

Make the corrections and either print it out, staple the pages, and give to Ms. O, or share the whole document as a Google doc with

Have fun!

I've provided some links to help you with making this a great story!

Good Sentences!

This is a great graphic that shows different ways of making very interesting, non-boring, artsy and literate sentences, especially if you're writing creatively! Check it out and start incorporating some of these into your writing!