Vocabulary Opportunities

Table of Contents for This Page

Vocabulary in Context Packets (digital or paper)

Ask for a photocopy or a Google Classroom upload of the unit/lesson you want!

Points: Up to 17 points per Unit

  • Lesson 1-7: Up to 2 points each

  • Unit review: UP to 3 points

  • End of Book Test: up to 10 points (based on percentage you get correct)

  • Must get >80% for full points.

Vocabulary in Context : Six Topics, each with four units:

  • Science & Technology Words

  • Music, Art, & Literature Words

  • Everyday Living Words

  • Workplace and Career Words

  • Media & Marketplace Words

  • History & Geography Words

World of Vocabulary Books

In the ALC Library, there are copies of World of Vocabulary, red, green, and purple levels. Each book contains 20 different vocabulary lessons, and each lesson several words to learn.

For up to 2-5 points:

    1. Copy off a lesson that interests you and write your name on it and the color level book (green, red, purple, etc.)

    2. Complete all the steps of the vocabulary lesson, LEGIBLY. Take your time. You will lose points by getting wrong answers.

  1. The last page of each lesson contains a "Learn More" section; you MUST choose one of the options given you to and complete the task. Sometimes you'll have to research something and write about it. Sometimes you'll be given an opportunity to create something (art, video, etc.). Talk to Ms. O, Connie, or Bjorn about getting materials.

For doing only the lesson and NOT the "Learn More" section, you will earn UP TO 2 points.

Working With Words


  1. Ask staff for a packet from this book (photocopies). GO IN ORDER (start with Unit 1). Every three units, there's a review unit.

  2. Also refer to the vocab definitions packet (do NOT write on this, and turn it in when you're finished).

  3. When you've finished with a unit, make sure your name is on it and hand in. Each packet will be worth up to 3 points.

  4. You can go on to the next unit, or not; your choice!